Biografia Robert Graves |
Nato a London nel 1895 (morto nel 1985), a partire dal 1916 ha pubblicato varie raccolte di liriche - una scelta è Poesie (poems, 1959) - dove i miti greci sono ripresi in chiave psicoa nalitica e con linguaggio ironico e sofisticato.
Robert Graves strinse amicizia con un giovane insegnante, George Mallary, negli anni di Chanterhouse, grazie al quale riuscì ad allargare l’orizzonte culturale con la letteratura degli scrittori contemporanei.
Nel fascicolo della "Georgian Poetry" 1916-1917 appaiono già le composizioni giovanili, mentre undici delle poesie di Chanterhouse vengono incluse nel suo primo libro, "over the brazier" 1916, che ripropongono delle fantasticherie e il tradizionalismo formale propri della poesia georgiana come si trovano in "Jolly Yellow Moon".
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Ultimi libri pubblicati di Robert Graves | Country Sentiment
| Breus històries mallorquines: 221
| Clinical Lectures
| La hija de Homero
| El conde Belisario
| A system of clinical medicine
| The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume III: Contemporary Appalachia: Contemporary Appalachia Volume 3
| Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton: Vol. 1
| Jo, Claudi
| Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Andrews Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland, Including Selections ... and Miscellaneous Writings; Volume 3
| Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Andrews Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland, Including Selections ... and Miscellaneous Writings; Volume 2
| The Life of Thomas Linacre ...: With Memoirs of His Contemporaries, and of the Rise and Progress of Learning, More Particularly of the Schools From the Ninth to the Sixteenth Century Inclusive
| On English Poetry
| Clinical Lectures on the Practice of Medicine. To Which is Prefixed a Criticism by Professor Trousseau. Reprinted From the 2d ed. (Edited by the Late Dr. Neligan.); Volume 1
| Adam's Rib
| El crestall rost: Poemes de muntanya: 184
| The Wind Blows Where It Wishes: Selected Works on Spirit Baptism, Spirit Preaching, Tongues and Initial Evidence, Subsequence, Cessationism, Xenoglossy, Glossolalia, and Other Spirit-related Topics
| The Wind Blows Where It Wishes: Selected Works on Spirit Baptism, Spirit Preaching, Tongues and Initial Evidence, Subsequence, Cessationism, Xenoglossy, Glossolalia, and Other Spirit-related Topics
| Stories That Need to Be Told 2023
| La Diosa Blanca
| Yo, Claudio
| El vellocino de oro
| Proceed, Sergeant Lamb: The Continuing Saga of Sergeant Lamb During the American War of Independence
| Fairies And Fusiliers
| Sergeant Lamb's America: An Historical Novel of the American War of Independence
| Fairies and Fusiliers
| On English Poetry; Being an Irregular Approach to the Psychology of This Art, from Evidence Mainly Subjective
| Mity greckie
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