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Robert Baer

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Biografia Robert Baer
Robert Baer
Modifica bioCronologia

Robert Baer nasce a Silverton, in Colorado, il 22 giugno 1954. È stato un agente segreto della CIA dal 1976 al 1997, la maggior parte dei quali nelle zone più calde del Medio Oriente. Oggi Baer ha deciso di parlare, di vendicarsi del trattamento subito alla CIA. Scrive libri, articoli, concede interviste, fa rivelazioni esplosive.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Robert Baer
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms (Classic Reprint)
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms (Classic Reprint)
Strategic Management of Technology: Global Benchmarking (initial Report)
Strategic Management of Technology: Global Benchmarking (initial Report)
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms: A Pilot Study (Classic Reprint)
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms: A Pilot Study (Classic Reprint)
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms (Classic Reprint)
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms (Classic Reprint)
Clinical Anthropology 2.0: Improving Medical Education and Patient Experience
Clinical Anthropology 2.0: Improving Medical Education and Patient Experience
Entering New Businesses: Selecting the Strategies for Success (Classic Reprint)
Entering New Businesses: Selecting the Strategies for Success (Classic Reprint)
A nos amies
A nos amies
Critical Functions: Needed Roles in the Innovation Process (Classic Reprint)
Critical Functions: Needed Roles in the Innovation Process (Classic Reprint)
Exploratory and Normative Technological Forecasting: A Critical Appraisal
Exploratory and Normative Technological Forecasting: A Critical Appraisal
Le Quatrième Homme - Un espion russe à la CIA
Le Quatrième Homme - Un espion russe à la CIA
Entering new Businesses: Selecting the Strategies for Success
Entering new Businesses: Selecting the Strategies for Success
Exploratory and Normative Technological Forecasting: A Critical Appraisal
Exploratory and Normative Technological Forecasting: A Critical Appraisal
Industrial Dynamics and the Design of Management Control Systems
Industrial Dynamics and the Design of Management Control Systems
OCHO: european artist collaboration
OCHO: european artist collaboration
The Suspension
The Suspension
The Fourth Man: The Hunt for the KGB's CIA Mole and Why the US Overlooked Putin
The Fourth Man: The Hunt for the KGB's CIA Mole and Why the US Overlooked Putin
The Fourth Man: The Hunt for the KGB’s CIA Mole and Why the US Overlooked Putin
The Fourth Man: The Hunt for the KGB’s CIA Mole and Why the US Overlooked Putin
Secrets of the Mob: The Men and their Methods
Secrets of the Mob: The Men and their Methods
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Warbler Classics)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Warbler Classics)
Clinical Anthropology 2.0: Improving Medical Education and Patient Experience
Clinical Anthropology 2.0: Improving Medical Education and Patient Experience
The Fourth Man: The Hunt for a KGB Spy at the Top of the CIA and the Rise of Putin's Russia
The Fourth Man: The Hunt for a KGB Spy at the Top of the CIA and the Rise of Putin's Russia
Some Characteristics of Technical Entrepreneurs (Classic Reprint)
Some Characteristics of Technical Entrepreneurs (Classic Reprint)
Questioning the Cost/Effectiveness of the R and D Procurement Process (Classic Reprint)
Questioning the Cost/Effectiveness of the R and D Procurement Process (Classic Reprint)

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