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Richard Whately

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Biografia Richard Whately
Richard Whately
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Richard Whately (1 febbraio 1787 – 8 ottobre 1863) è stato un retorico inglese, logico che ha servito anche la Chiesa come arcivescovo.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Richard Whately
A Selection of English Synonymes
A Selection of English Synonymes
Bacon's Essays: With Annotations: 3
Bacon's Essays: With Annotations: 3
Life and Correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D.: Late Archbishop of Dublin; Volume 1
Life and Correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D.: Late Archbishop of Dublin; Volume 1
The Principles of Elocution: Compiled From 'The Elements of Rhetoric', With Additions & Alterations
The Principles of Elocution: Compiled From 'The Elements of Rhetoric', With Additions & Alterations
The Factory System and the Factory Acts
The Factory System and the Factory Acts
Paley's Moral Philosophy: With Annotations
Paley's Moral Philosophy: With Annotations
Introduction to a History of the Factory System
Introduction to a History of the Factory System
Introductory Lessons on the History of Religious Worship
Introductory Lessons on the History of Religious Worship
Introductory Lessons on Christian Evidences
Introductory Lessons on Christian Evidences
A View of the Scripture Revelations Concerning a Future State
A View of the Scripture Revelations Concerning a Future State
Essays on Some of the Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul, and in Other Parts of the New Testam
Essays on Some of the Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul, and in Other Parts of the New Testam
The Expediency of Restoring At This Time To The Church Her Synodical Powers
The Expediency of Restoring At This Time To The Church Her Synodical Powers
The kingdom of Christ delineated
The kingdom of Christ delineated
Remarks on Transportaion
Remarks on Transportaion
Life and Correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D., Late Archbishop of Dublin
Life and Correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D., Late Archbishop of Dublin
Essays on Some of the Dangers to Christian Faith: Which may Arise From the Teaching or the Conduct
Essays on Some of the Dangers to Christian Faith: Which may Arise From the Teaching or the Conduct
The Kingdom Of Christ, And The Errors Of Romanism
The Kingdom Of Christ, And The Errors Of Romanism
On Instinct
On Instinct
The Scripture Account of the Sabbath Compared With ... the Archbishop of Dublin's [R. Whately's] 'thoughts On the Sabbath'
The Scripture Account of the Sabbath Compared With ... the Archbishop of Dublin's [R. Whately's] 'thoughts On the Sabbath'
Introductory Lectures On Political Economy
Introductory Lectures On Political Economy
The Abolition Of The Law: Being The 5th Of The Essays On Some Of The Difficulties In The Writings Of The Apostle Paul
The Abolition Of The Law: Being The 5th Of The Essays On Some Of The Difficulties In The Writings Of The Apostle Paul
Dr. Paley's Works: A Lecture Delivered
Dr. Paley's Works: A Lecture Delivered
Detached Thoughts and Apophthegms Extracted From Some of the Writings of Archbishop Whately
Detached Thoughts and Apophthegms Extracted From Some of the Writings of Archbishop Whately
Miscellaneous Remains From the Commonplace Book of Richard Whately, D.D., Late Archbishop of Dublin: Being a Collection of Notes and Essays Made During the Preparation of His Various Works
Miscellaneous Remains From the Commonplace Book of Richard Whately, D.D., Late Archbishop of Dublin: Being a Collection of Notes and Essays Made During the Preparation of His Various Works
Dr. Paley's Works: A Lecture Delivered
Dr. Paley's Works: A Lecture Delivered
Introductory Lessons on Morals, and Christian Evidences
Introductory Lessons on Morals, and Christian Evidences
The Scripture Doctrine concerning the Sacraments
The Scripture Doctrine concerning the Sacraments
Elements of Logic
Elements of Logic
Historic Doubts Relative To Napoleon Buonaparte
Historic Doubts Relative To Napoleon Buonaparte
The Kingdom of Christ Delineated
The Kingdom of Christ Delineated
A View of the Evidences of Christianity
A View of the Evidences of Christianity
Elements of Logic
Elements of Logic
Elements of Rhetoric
Elements of Rhetoric
Paley's Moral Philosophy with Annotations
Paley's Moral Philosophy with Annotations
Historic Doubts Relative To Napoleon Buonaparte
Historic Doubts Relative To Napoleon Buonaparte
Explanations of the Bible and of the Prayer-Book
Explanations of the Bible and of the Prayer-Book
The Kingdom of Christ Delineated
The Kingdom of Christ Delineated

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