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Quentin Blake

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Biografia Quentin Blake
Quentin Blake
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Quentin Blake è uno degli illustratori contemporanei più famosi al mondo. Nato in Inghilterra nel 1932, ha illustrato più di 300 libri collaborando con i maggiori scrittori inglesi per ragazzi e ha ottenuto un successo internazionale illustrando i racconti e i romanzi di Roald Dahl. Ha illustrato anche libri scritti da lui stesso dove ha saputo anche con le parole coniugare ironia e fantasia. Nel 2002 ha vinto la Hans Christian Andersen Medal per il suo contributo alla letteratura infantile, il maggiore riconoscimento internazionale per autori di libri per l'infanzia. Anche in Italia e in Francia, dove vive parte dell'anno, è molto amato e apprezzato. Nel 2007 è stato nominato Offìcier des Artes et des Lettres.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Quentin Blake
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Ascolta il mio cuore
The Enormous Crocodile: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
The Enormous Crocodile: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
The Witches: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
The Witches: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
The Magic Finger: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
The Magic Finger: Lektüre mit Audio-Online
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James e la pesca gigante
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Sporche bestie
Versi perversi
Versi perversi
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Penguin Readers Level 2: Roald Dahl The Magic Finger (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 3: Roald Dahl The BFG (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 3: Roald Dahl The BFG (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl The Enormous Crocodile (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl The Enormous Crocodile (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 4: Roald Dahl The Witches (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 4: Roald Dahl The Witches (ELT Graded Reader)
The Complete Roald Dahl Classic Collection
The Complete Roald Dahl Classic Collection
The Winter Sleepwalker And Other Stories
The Winter Sleepwalker And Other Stories
Roald Dahl: The Night Before Christmas
Roald Dahl: The Night Before Christmas
James und der Riesenpfirsich
James und der Riesenpfirsich
Sophie und der Riese: Neu übersetzt von Ebi Naumann. Die weltberühmte Geschichte als Taschenbuch für Kinder ab 8 Jahren
Sophie und der Riese: Neu übersetzt von Ebi Naumann. Die weltberühmte Geschichte als Taschenbuch für Kinder ab 8 Jahren
Monsieur Kipu (Edition 2024 - poche)
Monsieur Kipu (Edition 2024 - poche)
Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel: A wild and funny new illustrated children’s book from iconic picture-book duo Quentin Blake and Emma Chichester Clark.
Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel: A wild and funny new illustrated children’s book from iconic picture-book duo Quentin Blake and Emma Chichester Clark.
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James and the Giant Peach: Roald Dahl
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Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl Billy and the Minpins (ELT Graded Reader)
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Penguin Readers Level 3: Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 3: Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (ELT Graded Reader)
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Penguin Readers Level 4: Roald Dahl Danny the Champion of the World (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl Esio Trot (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 1: Roald Dahl Esio Trot (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers Level 2: Roald Dahl Fantastic Mr Fox (ELT Graded Reader)
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Penguin Readers Level 3: Roald Dahl George’s Marvellous Medicine (ELT Graded Reader)
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Quentin Blake's A Christmas Carol
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Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Whipple-Scrumptious Sticker Activity Book
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Prendre la route: Poèmes sur la migration
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Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel
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Three Little Monkeys at Christmas: A wickedly funny festive adventure!
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Le Chien de la Mère Michel fait du sport
Roald Dahl: Phizz-Whizzing Finger Trail Shapes
Roald Dahl: Phizz-Whizzing Finger Trail Shapes
Roald Dahl: Fantastic Feelings
Roald Dahl: Fantastic Feelings
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La Joconde et les autres
Werd bloß nicht groß!: Bilderbuch für starke Kinder ab 4 Jahren
Werd bloß nicht groß!: Bilderbuch für starke Kinder ab 4 Jahren
Mona Lisa and the Others: by Alice Harman. Illustrated by Quentin Blake
Mona Lisa and the Others: by Alice Harman. Illustrated by Quentin Blake
Love from Matilda
Love from Matilda
Roald Dahl - Gegensätze: Lustig lernen mit dem riesengroßen Krokodil - Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren: 4
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

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