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Kevin J. Anderson

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Biografia Kevin J. Anderson
Kevin J. Anderson
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Kevin J. Anderson è autore di romanzi di successo. È stato finalista ai premi Nebula e Bram Stoker. Nato nell'Oregon il 27 marzo 1962, è un prolifico autore di fantascienza statunitense. Ha scritto racconti basati su Guerre Stellari, StarCraft, Titan A.E. e X-Files ed è coautore del Preludio a Dune e delle Leggende di Dune con Brian Herbert.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Kevin J. Anderson
Sisterhood of Dune
Sisterhood of Dune
Writers of the Future: The Year's Twelve Best Tales From the Writer's Program: 39
Writers of the Future: The Year's Twelve Best Tales From the Writer's Program: 39
Dune: Haus Harkonnen (Graphic Novel). Band 2 (limitierte Vorzugsausgabe)
Dune: Haus Harkonnen (Graphic Novel). Band 2 (limitierte Vorzugsausgabe)
Dune, de graphic novel 3: De profeet
Dune, de graphic novel 3: De profeet
The Dragon Business: A Medieval Con Game, With Scales!
The Dragon Business: A Medieval Con Game, With Scales!
Skeleton in the Closet: A Dragon Business Adventure
Skeleton in the Closet: A Dragon Business Adventure
Dune - the Graphic Novel 3: The Prophet
Dune - the Graphic Novel 3: The Prophet
Dune (Graphic Novel). Band 3: Der Prophet
Dune (Graphic Novel). Band 3: Der Prophet
Dune 3: House Harkonnen
Dune 3: House Harkonnen
Princess of Dune
Princess of Dune
Dune: The Heir of Caladan: 3
Dune: The Heir of Caladan: 3
Chroniques de Caladan : l'héritier - Tome 3
Chroniques de Caladan : l'héritier - Tome 3
Dune - the Graphic Novel 2: Muad'dib
Dune - the Graphic Novel 2: Muad'dib
Dune: Haus Harkonnen (Graphic Novel). Band 1
Dune: Haus Harkonnen (Graphic Novel). Band 1
Dune: Haus Harkonnen (Graphic Novel). Band 1 (limitierte Vorzugsausgabe)
Dune: Haus Harkonnen (Graphic Novel). Band 1 (limitierte Vorzugsausgabe)
Dune : Maison Harkonnen
Dune : Maison Harkonnen
Dune 1: House Harkonnen
Dune 1: House Harkonnen
Dune 2: House Harkonnen
Dune 2: House Harkonnen
Of Wizards and Wolves: Tales of Transformation
Of Wizards and Wolves: Tales of Transformation
The Dragon Business
The Dragon Business
Dune : Chroniques d'Arrakeen
Dune : Chroniques d'Arrakeen
Dune : Chroniques de Caladan - volume 2 La Dame - Tome 2: 2
Dune : Chroniques de Caladan - volume 2 La Dame - Tome 2: 2
Frank Herbert: Unpublished Stories
Frank Herbert: Unpublished Stories
Sands of Dune: Novellas from the Worlds of Dune
Sands of Dune: Novellas from the Worlds of Dune
Dune: Die Wasser des Kanly: (Graphic Novel)
Dune: Die Wasser des Kanly: (Graphic Novel)
Dune, Verhalen uit Arrakeen
Dune, Verhalen uit Arrakeen
Racconti di Arrakeen. Dune
Racconti di Arrakeen. Dune
Dune the Waters of Kanly
Dune the Waters of Kanly
Tales of Dune
Tales of Dune
Dune: la lady di Caladan
Dune: la lady di Caladan
Der Wüstenplanet - Die Herrin von Caladan: Roman: 2
Der Wüstenplanet - Die Herrin von Caladan: Roman: 2
Dune, de graphic novel 2
Dune, de graphic novel 2
Dune : Maison Atréides tome 3
Dune : Maison Atréides tome 3
Dune. Casa degli Atreides (Vol. 3)
Dune. Casa degli Atreides (Vol. 3)
DUNE, le roman graphique T2
DUNE, le roman graphique T2
Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune
Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune
Dune: Haus Atreides (Graphic Novel). Band 3
Dune: Haus Atreides (Graphic Novel). Band 3
Dune: Haus Atreides (Graphic Novel). Band 3 (limitierte Vorzugsausgabe)
Dune: Haus Atreides (Graphic Novel). Band 3 (limitierte Vorzugsausgabe)
Dune: The Duke of Caladan
Dune: The Duke of Caladan
Dune: Geschichten aus Arrakeen
Dune: Geschichten aus Arrakeen
Gods and Dragons
Gods and Dragons
Dune 2: Muad’dib
Dune 2: Muad’dib
Dune House Atreides 4
Dune House Atreides 4
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection 2: Tales of the Jedi
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection 2: Tales of the Jedi
Dune House Atreides 3
Dune House Atreides 3
Dune Tales from Arrakeen
Dune Tales from Arrakeen
Dune House Atreides 2
Dune House Atreides 2
Clockwork Destiny
Clockwork Destiny
Dune (Graphic Novel). Band 1
Dune (Graphic Novel). Band 1
boek 1 (van 3)
boek 1 (van 3)
Casa Corrino / House Corrino
Casa Corrino / House Corrino

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