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Julia Donaldson

Julia Donaldson biografia





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Biografia Julia Donaldson
Julia Donaldson
Modifica bioCronologia

Julia Donaldson vive vicino a Glasgow con la famiglia. Ha iniziato scrivendo canzoni per bambini. Dal 1993 ha scritto piů di quaranta opere narrative e teatrali per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, tra cui la pluripremiata storia Il Gruffalň, tradotta in trenta lingue. In collaborazione con l’illustratore Axel Scheffler ha pubblicato diversi album illustrati di successo, tra cui La strega Rossella, Il gigante piů elegante, La chiocciolina e la balena e Una casetta troppo stretta, tutti editi da Emme Edizioni.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Julia Donaldson
Stick Man The Present Hunt: a lift-the-flap adventure by the number one bestselling author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Zog - perfect for sharing at Christmas
Stick Man The Present Hunt: a lift-the-flap adventure by the number one bestselling author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Zog - perfect for sharing at Christmas
Stick Man Finger Puppet Book: an interactive puppet book from the number one bestselling author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Zog!
Stick Man Finger Puppet Book: an interactive puppet book from the number one bestselling author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Zog!
Zog 15th Anniversary Edition
Zog 15th Anniversary Edition
Tiddler: the funny and fabulous rhyming picture book from the number one bestselling author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Zog now with a shiny foiled cover!
Tiddler: the funny and fabulous rhyming picture book from the number one bestselling author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and Zog now with a shiny foiled cover!
The Gruffalo's Child: A Push, Pull and Slide Book
The Gruffalo's Child: A Push, Pull and Slide Book
The Gruffalo's Child 20th Anniversary Edition: with a shiny gold foil cover and fun activities to make and do!
The Gruffalo's Child 20th Anniversary Edition: with a shiny gold foil cover and fun activities to make and do!
Tales From Acorn Wood: A Winter Sticker Book
Tales From Acorn Wood: A Winter Sticker Book
The Amazing World of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
The Amazing World of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Jonty Gentoo Sticker Activity Book: packed with mazes, do-to-dots, word searches, colouring-in pages and more!
Jonty Gentoo Sticker Activity Book: packed with mazes, do-to-dots, word searches, colouring-in pages and more!
Le rat scélérat
Le rat scélérat
Nitelus Spiridus
Nitelus Spiridus
Mac Pat le chat chanteur
Mac Pat le chat chanteur
Julia Donaldson Collection 2 Books Set (The Hospital Dog & The Detective Dog)
Julia Donaldson Collection 2 Books Set (The Hospital Dog & The Detective Dog)
An Fhaochag agus a' Mhuc-mhara
An Fhaochag agus a' Mhuc-mhara
Come disegnare il Gruffalo e i suoi amici. Ediz. a colori
Come disegnare il Gruffalo e i suoi amici. Ediz. a colori
Superwurm. Sticker-Spielebuch: Mit Rätseln, Such- und Ausmalbildern und über 350 Stickern
Superwurm. Sticker-Spielebuch: Mit Rätseln, Such- und Ausmalbildern und über 350 Stickern
Zogg und die Retter der LĂĽfte: Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
Zogg und die Retter der LĂĽfte: Vierfarbiges Bilderbuch
The Gruffalo and Friends Super Sticker Book
The Gruffalo and Friends Super Sticker Book
Le gang des affreux
Le gang des affreux
Room on the Broom Halloween Special: The Classic Story plus Halloween Things to Make and Do
Room on the Broom Halloween Special: The Classic Story plus Halloween Things to Make and Do
Les Tourouges et les Toubleus
Les Tourouges et les Toubleus
The Christmas Pine BCD
The Christmas Pine BCD
Who Lives Here?: With lift-the-flap-fun!
Who Lives Here?: With lift-the-flap-fun!
The Gruffalo and Other Stories Treasury
The Gruffalo and Other Stories Treasury
Il Gruffalò. 25 anni. Ediz. speciale
Il Gruffalò. 25 anni. Ediz. speciale
I racconti del Bosco delle Ghiande. Ciao amici! Ediz. a colori
I racconti del Bosco delle Ghiande. Ciao amici! Ediz. a colori
Quei brutti ceffi. Ediz. a colori
Quei brutti ceffi. Ediz. a colori
Let's Find The Baddies: A lift-the-felt-flap book by superstar duo Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler!
Let's Find The Baddies: A lift-the-felt-flap book by superstar duo Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler!
Stick Man and Friends Super Sticker Book
Stick Man and Friends Super Sticker Book
Tales from Acorn Wood: Hello Friends!: A Tabbed Board Book
Tales from Acorn Wood: Hello Friends!: A Tabbed Board Book
Colours, Colours Everywhere: An amazing lift-the-flap book from the author of The Gruffalo
Colours, Colours Everywhere: An amazing lift-the-flap book from the author of The Gruffalo
What the Ladybird Heard 15th Anniversary Edition
What the Ladybird Heard 15th Anniversary Edition
The Gruffalo: A Pop-Up Flap Book
The Gruffalo: A Pop-Up Flap Book
Le géant élégant
Le géant élégant
Frog's Day Out: A Lift-the-flap Story
Frog's Day Out: A Lift-the-flap Story
One Ted Falls Out of Bed 20th Anniversary Edition
One Ted Falls Out of Bed 20th Anniversary Edition
Tabby McTat 15th Anniversary Edition
Tabby McTat 15th Anniversary Edition
Julia Donaldson's Book of Names: A Magical Rhyming Celebration of Children, Imagination, Stories . . . And Names!
Julia Donaldson's Book of Names: A Magical Rhyming Celebration of Children, Imagination, Stories . . . And Names!
The Gruffalo: A Noisy Storybook
The Gruffalo: A Noisy Storybook
Il Gruffalò-Gruffalò e la sua piccolina. Ediz. a colori
Il Gruffalò-Gruffalò e la sua piccolina. Ediz. a colori
Bastoncino. 15 anni. Ediz. a colori
Bastoncino. 15 anni. Ediz. a colori
Have You Seen the Gruffalo?: With peep-through holes and flaps to lift!
Have You Seen the Gruffalo?: With peep-through holes and flaps to lift!
The Smeds and the Smoos in Scots
The Smeds and the Smoos in Scots
Tabby McTat Says Miaow!
Tabby McTat Says Miaow!
Jonty Gentoo HB
Jonty Gentoo HB
Who Lives Here?
Who Lives Here?
Let's Find Tabby McTat
Let's Find Tabby McTat
Rock-a-Bye Rumpus: Action Rhymes for the Very Young
Rock-a-Bye Rumpus: Action Rhymes for the Very Young
Stick Man: A flip-the-flap book
Stick Man: A flip-the-flap book
The Baddies (PB)
The Baddies (PB)
Room on the Broom: A Read and Play Story
Room on the Broom: A Read and Play Story
Dormouse Has a Cold
Dormouse Has a Cold
Whoosh! Went the Witch: A Room on the Broom Book
Whoosh! Went the Witch: A Room on the Broom Book
The Zog Puppet Book
The Zog Puppet Book
Tabby McTat - now available with a beautiful, shiny foil cover
Tabby McTat - now available with a beautiful, shiny foil cover
The Oak Tree: a dazzling, poetic picture book, by Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo and Stick Man
The Oak Tree: a dazzling, poetic picture book, by Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo and Stick Man
Superworm and Friends Outdoor Activity Book (Little Wild Things)
Superworm and Friends Outdoor Activity Book (Little Wild Things)
Julia Donaldson's Book of Names
Julia Donaldson's Book of Names
The Scarecrows' Wedding 10th Anniversary Edition - with a gorgeous, shiny foil cover
The Scarecrows' Wedding 10th Anniversary Edition - with a gorgeous, shiny foil cover
Welcome to the World: By the author of The Gruffalo and the illustrator of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Welcome to the World: By the author of The Gruffalo and the illustrator of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
How to Draw The Gruffalo and Friends
How to Draw The Gruffalo and Friends
A Squash and a Squeeze
A Squash and a Squeeze
The Gruffalo
The Gruffalo
Room on the Broom
Room on the Broom
Monkey Puzzle
Monkey Puzzle
The Smartest Giant in Town
The Smartest Giant in Town
Let's Find Tiddler: A lift-the-felt-flap book by superstars Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler!
Let's Find Tiddler: A lift-the-felt-flap book by superstars Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler!
The Snail and the Whale 20th Anniversary Edition
The Snail and the Whale 20th Anniversary Edition
Il Gruffalò e i suoi amici. Attività e giochi all'aperto. Ediz. a colori. Ediz. a spirale
Il Gruffalò e i suoi amici. Attività e giochi all'aperto. Ediz. a colori. Ediz. a spirale
Chi vive qui? Ediz. a colori
Chi vive qui? Ediz. a colori
I racconti del Bosco delle Ghiande. Maialina e il nascondino. Ediz. illustrata
I racconti del Bosco delle Ghiande. Maialina e il nascondino. Ediz. illustrata
Cerchiamo gli Smei e gli Smufi. Ediz. illustrata
Cerchiamo gli Smei e gli Smufi. Ediz. illustrata
I racconti del Bosco delle Ghiande. La volpe e i calzetti. Ediz. illustrata
I racconti del Bosco delle Ghiande. La volpe e i calzetti. Ediz. illustrata
Cachés dans l'herbe
Cachés dans l'herbe
A Squash and a Squeeze: A Push, Pull and Slide Book
A Squash and a Squeeze: A Push, Pull and Slide Book
Tales from Acorn Wood Super Sticker Book
Tales from Acorn Wood Super Sticker Book
The Bowerbird
The Bowerbird
Zog and Other Stories CD Collection
Zog and Other Stories CD Collection
Sugarlump and the Unicorn 10th Anniversary Edition
Sugarlump and the Unicorn 10th Anniversary Edition
A Squash and a Squeeze Sticker Book
A Squash and a Squeeze Sticker Book
My First Gruffalo: Gruffalo Growl
My First Gruffalo: Gruffalo Growl
The Gruffalo's Child
The Gruffalo's Child
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book
Stick Man 15th Anniversary Edition
Stick Man 15th Anniversary Edition
A Squash and a Squeeze 30th Anniversary Edition
A Squash and a Squeeze 30th Anniversary Edition
The baddies (tp)
The baddies (tp)
Julia Donaldson Story Collection
Julia Donaldson Story Collection
What the Ladybird Heard Next Sticker Book
What the Ladybird Heard Next Sticker Book
Il gigante piů elegante
Il gigante piů elegante
Dov'č la mia mamma?
Dov'č la mia mamma?

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