Biografia John Power |
John Powers si è laureato in filosofia indiana all'Università di McMaster e ha un dottorato in studi buddisti all'Università della Virginia.
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Ultimi libri pubblicati di John Power | An exposition of Universalism
| Advance Sheets from the Book, Entitled Abraham Lincoln. His Life, Public Services, Death, and Great Funeral Cortege, with a History and Description of the National Lincoln Monument
| A Handy-Book About Books: For Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers
| Technology and the Making of Experimental Film Culture
| Rivers of the Asian Highlands: From Deep Time to the Climate Crisis
| A Trip With God: A Psychedelic Viewpoint of Religion
| Abraham Lincoln
| Abraham Lincoln
| Joseki Revolution: Overthrowing Conventional Wisdom
| Tantra for All: The Path of Nath Tantrika
| Review of the Lectures of Wm. A. Smith, D.D., on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery
| Clear!: Dying to Live
| Essential Go Proverbs
| New Perspectives on State Government Fiscal Challenges
| Technology and the Making of Experimental Film Culture
| History Of The Early Settlers, Sangamon County, Illinois: Centennial Record.
| ISE Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance
| John Ike: Ten Houses / Ten Stories: 9 Houses / 9 Stories
| The Boston Handbook: A Guide to Everything Uniquely Bostonian [Lingua Inglese]
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