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John Macarthur

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Biografia John Macarthur
John Macarthur
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John MacArthur Conosciuto per il suo approccio completo e franco all'insegnamento della Parola di Dio, la Bibbia, John MacArthur è un pastore evangelico di quinta generazione, autore e oratore di fama internazionale. Dal 1969 è impegnato come pastore e insengante presso la Grace Community Church a Sun Valley, California. Le predicazioni di John raggiungono la maggior parte del mondo tramite il suo lavoro multimediale Grace To You, con uffici in Australia, Canada, Europa, India, Nuova Zelanda, Singapore, e Sud Africa. Grace To You non solo produce programmi radiofonici per oltre 2000 radio (in lingua inglese e spagnola), ma distribuisce libri, software, cassette e CD con studi e sermoni di John MacArthur. In 36 anni, Grace To You ha distribuito più di 13 milioni di CD e audiocassette. John è presidente di The Master's College e The Master's Seminary. Ha scritto centinaia di libri e manuali di studio biblico, molto ultili e pratici per la vita quotidiana. I suoi lavori pubblicati in italiano includono "Al Sicuro Fra Le Braccia di Dio", "La Verità Celeste Sulla Morte di Un Bambino", e "Il Commentario del Nuovo Testamento".

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
John Macarthur
Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement Is Hijacking the Gospel - and the Way to Stop It
Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement Is Hijacking the Gospel - and the Way to Stop It
The Triumph of the Rising: The Believer's Victory Over Death
The Triumph of the Rising: The Believer's Victory Over Death
Holy Bible: Macarthur Study Bible: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time, Lsb, Black Genuine Leather, Comfort Print, Thumb Indexed
Holy Bible: Macarthur Study Bible: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time, Lsb, Black Genuine Leather, Comfort Print, Thumb Indexed
Los Pilares del Carácter Cristiano (the Pillars of Christian Character)
Los Pilares del Carácter Cristiano (the Pillars of Christian Character)
Holy Bible: Macarthur Study Bible: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time, Lsb, Brown Premium Goatskin Leather, Comfort Print
Holy Bible: Macarthur Study Bible: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time, Lsb, Brown Premium Goatskin Leather, Comfort Print
52 Weeks Through the Bible
52 Weeks Through the Bible
Jonah & Nahum
Jonah & Nahum
Ordinary Church, The
Ordinary Church, The
Una vida perfecta/ One Perfect Life: La Historia Completa Del Señor Jesús/ the Complete Story of the Lord Jesus
Una vida perfecta/ One Perfect Life: La Historia Completa Del Señor Jesús/ the Complete Story of the Lord Jesus
Is Architecture Art?: An Introduction to the Aesthetics of Architecture
Is Architecture Art?: An Introduction to the Aesthetics of Architecture
One Faithful Life: A Harmony of the Life and Letters of Paul
One Faithful Life: A Harmony of the Life and Letters of Paul
Evankeliumi Jeesuksen mukaan: Tarkistettu ja laajennettu juhlavuosipainos
Evankeliumi Jeesuksen mukaan: Tarkistettu ja laajennettu juhlavuosipainos
Il commentario MacArthur del Nuovo Testamento. Luca 18-24
Il commentario MacArthur del Nuovo Testamento. Luca 18-24
My Wife-Her Shining Life
My Wife-Her Shining Life
Respuestas Bíblicas Para Una Cultura En Caos (Right Thinking for a Culture in Chaos)
Respuestas Bíblicas Para Una Cultura En Caos (Right Thinking for a Culture in Chaos)
One Perfect Life: The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus
One Perfect Life: The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus
Gnade für dich: Eine fesselnde Geschichte von Gottes Erlösung
Gnade für dich: Eine fesselnde Geschichte von Gottes Erlösung
Jeremiah and Lamentations
Jeremiah and Lamentations
The Gospel According to God: Rediscovering the Most Remarkable Chapter in the Old Testament
The Gospel According to God: Rediscovering the Most Remarkable Chapter in the Old Testament
Resisting Tyranny: A Christian Response to Government Overreach
Resisting Tyranny: A Christian Response to Government Overreach
The Glory of Heaven: The Truth about Heaven, Angels, and Eternal Life (Second Edition)
The Glory of Heaven: The Truth about Heaven, Angels, and Eternal Life (Second Edition)
The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge: An easy-to-use one-volume library for Bible study and lesson preparation
The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge: An easy-to-use one-volume library for Bible study and lesson preparation
Biblia de Estudio MacArthur/ MacArthur Study Bible: Reina-valera 1960, Café, Leathersoft
Biblia de Estudio MacArthur/ MacArthur Study Bible: Reina-valera 1960, Café, Leathersoft
La evangelización/ Evangelism: Cómo Compartir El Evangelio Con Fidelidad/ How to Share the Gospel Faithfully
La evangelización/ Evangelism: Cómo Compartir El Evangelio Con Fidelidad/ How to Share the Gospel Faithfully
Karl Langer: Modern Architect and Migrant in the Australian Tropics
Karl Langer: Modern Architect and Migrant in the Australian Tropics
Right Thinking for a Culture in Chaos: Responding Biblically to Today's Most Urgent Issues
Right Thinking for a Culture in Chaos: Responding Biblically to Today's Most Urgent Issues
Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Joel, and Obadiah: God's Comfort for His People
Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Joel, and Obadiah: God's Comfort for His People
Ezekiel: Redemption for God's People
Ezekiel: Redemption for God's People

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