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Jeremy Black

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Biografia Jeremy Black
Jeremy Black
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Jeremy Black è professore di Storia presso l'Università di Exeter. Laureatosi a Cambridge, ha insegnato a Oxford e poi a Durham prima di trasferirsi a Exeter nel 1996. Ha tenuto numerose conferenze in Australia, Canada, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Italia, Nuova Zelanda e Stati Uniti, E' stato visiting professor a West Point, in Texas Christian University, e Stillman College. E 'autore di oltre novanta libri, in particolare sul diciottesimo secolo, la politica britannica e le relazioni internazionali.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Jeremy Black
Breve historia de la guerra
Breve historia de la guerra
A Brief History of America
A Brief History of America
The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History
The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History
The Holocaust: History and Memory
The Holocaust: History and Memory
Rethinking Geopolitics
Rethinking Geopolitics
A History of Britain's Transport
A History of Britain's Transport
A History of Railways in 100 Maps
A History of Railways in 100 Maps
A History of the Second World War in 100 Maps
A History of the Second World War in 100 Maps
Los años frente al puente/ The Years in Front of the Bridge
Los años frente al puente/ The Years in Front of the Bridge
English Culture: From the 18th Century to the Present Day
English Culture: From the 18th Century to the Present Day
A Brief History of History
A Brief History of History
A History of the Railroad in 100 Maps
A History of the Railroad in 100 Maps
Wojna Krótka historia
Wojna Krótka historia
One-click to Give: Future Proof Your Fundraising With Social Media
One-click to Give: Future Proof Your Fundraising With Social Media
Histories of War
Histories of War
A World History of Rail: From the Steam Regime to Today
A World History of Rail: From the Steam Regime to Today
The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History
The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History
Paris: A Short History
Paris: A Short History
Der Zweite Weltkrieg in 100 historischen Originalkarten
Der Zweite Weltkrieg in 100 historischen Originalkarten
Cavalry: A Global History
Cavalry: A Global History
Defoe`s Britain
Defoe`s Britain
Defoe`s Britain
Defoe`s Britain
Insurgency Warfare: A Global History to the Present
Insurgency Warfare: A Global History to the Present
Why the Industrial Revolution Happened in Britain
Why the Industrial Revolution Happened in Britain
A Brief History of the British Monarchy: From the Iron Age to King Charles III
A Brief History of the British Monarchy: From the Iron Age to King Charles III
Insurgency Warfare: A Global History to the Present
Insurgency Warfare: A Global History to the Present
Britain's Naval Route to Greatness 1688-1815
Britain's Naval Route to Greatness 1688-1815
England in the Age of Dickens: 1812-70
England in the Age of Dickens: 1812-70
A History of Artillery
A History of Artillery
Indian Ocean Imaginings: People, Time, and Space
Indian Ocean Imaginings: People, Time, and Space
Military Strategy: A Global History
Military Strategy: A Global History
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Volume II Seventeenth Century: 2
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Volume II Seventeenth Century: 2
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Volume III Eighteenth Century: 3
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Volume III Eighteenth Century: 3
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Volume IV Nineteenth Century: 4
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Volume IV Nineteenth Century: 4
A Brief History of the British Monarchy
A Brief History of the British Monarchy
A Brief History of the Pacific: The Great Ocean
A Brief History of the Pacific: The Great Ocean
Mapping World War II: A Cartographic History of the World's Largest Conflict
Mapping World War II: A Cartographic History of the World's Largest Conflict
George III (Penguin Monarchs): Madness and Majesty
George III (Penguin Monarchs): Madness and Majesty
British Politics and Foreign Policy, 1758-70: To Build an Empire
British Politics and Foreign Policy, 1758-70: To Build an Empire

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