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Jane Chapman

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Biografia Jane Chapman
Jane Chapman
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Jane Chapman dipinge nella sua cucina che si affaccia sul giardino. Ha una tartaruga di nome Muggsy, che all'età di settant'anni è un cimelio di famiglia. Lei è anche l'illustratore del best-seller L'uovo del dell'imperatore, Vincitore nel 2000 del premio TES Junior Information Book.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Jane Chapman
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King Eric and The Outlaws, Or, The Throne, The Church, and The People: In The Thirteenth Century: Vol. II
King Eric and The Outlaws, Or, The Throne, The Church, and The People: In The Thirteenth Century: Vol. II
King Eric and The Outlaws, Or, The Throne, The Church, and The People: In The Thirteenth Century: Vol. III
King Eric and The Outlaws, Or, The Throne, The Church, and The People: In The Thirteenth Century: Vol. III
King Eric and The Outlaws, Or, The Throne, The Church, and The People: In The Thirteenth Century: Vol. I
King Eric and The Outlaws, Or, The Throne, The Church, and The People: In The Thirteenth Century: Vol. I
King Eric and the outlaws. In three volumes
King Eric and the outlaws. In three volumes
All the Little Animals: A Bedtime Book from A-Z
All the Little Animals: A Bedtime Book from A-Z
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Writing Resistance in the Second World War: Secrecy and Participation in Newspapers
Writing Resistance in the Second World War: Secrecy and Participation in Newspapers
Tu ronfles, Ours brun
Tu ronfles, Ours brun
The Littlest Christmas Tree
The Littlest Christmas Tree
Piccolo albero e il Natale. Ediz. illustrata
Piccolo albero e il Natale. Ediz. illustrata
Każdy jest cudem
Każdy jest cudem
Bear Finds Eggs
Bear Finds Eggs
Ich hab dich lieb, mein Schatz!
Ich hab dich lieb, mein Schatz!
Ognuno di noi è meraviglioso. Picture books. Ediz. a colori
Ognuno di noi è meraviglioso. Picture books. Ediz. a colori
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Ours brun trouve des oeufs
Grenouille d'eau et Souris des bois
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Das Geheimnis des Vollmonds: Eine berührende Geschichte über den Vollmond, die Freundschaft und Neugier auf Unbekanntes. Ein Bilderbuch Kinder ab 3 Jahren
Das Geheimnis des Vollmonds: Eine berührende Geschichte über den Vollmond, die Freundschaft und Neugier auf Unbekanntes. Ein Bilderbuch Kinder ab 3 Jahren
Each of Us is a Miracle: All creatures big and small
Each of Us is a Miracle: All creatures big and small
One Tiny Turtle
One Tiny Turtle
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Mole's Quiet Place
Mole's Quiet Place
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N'aie pas peur Ours brun !
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The Very Snowy Christmas
The Very Snowy Christmas
Bear Says Thanks
Bear Says Thanks
Der Maulwurf und die Suche nach der Stille
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Je t'aime de tout mon c?ur !
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Un posto tutto per me. Ediz. a colori
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