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James Moore

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Biografia James Moore
James Moore
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James Richard Moore è uno storico della scienza alla Open University e all'Università di Cambridge, oltre a lavorare anche ad Harvard University. E' famoso per aver scritto la biografia di Charles Darwin.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
James Moore
The de Soto Chronicles Vol 1: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543 Volume 1
The de Soto Chronicles Vol 1: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543 Volume 1
The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age
The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age
St Stephen's Chapel and the Palace of Westminster
St Stephen's Chapel and the Palace of Westminster
Peter Braithwaite Studio: Natural Forces: Design & Craft of a Nova Scotian Architectural Identity
Peter Braithwaite Studio: Natural Forces: Design & Craft of a Nova Scotian Architectural Identity
The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume III: Contemporary Appalachia: Contemporary Appalachia Volume 3
The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume III: Contemporary Appalachia: Contemporary Appalachia Volume 3
Correspondence And Occasional Writings
Correspondence And Occasional Writings
A Meeting in the Devil's House
A Meeting in the Devil's House
Obcy morze bolesci
Obcy morze bolesci
The Architecture of Xrange: Inspired by Constraints
The Architecture of Xrange: Inspired by Constraints
Selected Works of Landscape Architect John L. Wong: From Private to Public Ground from Small to Tall
Selected Works of Landscape Architect John L. Wong: From Private to Public Ground from Small to Tall
The Home Office Reimagined: Spaces to Think, Reflect, Work, Dream, and Wonder
The Home Office Reimagined: Spaces to Think, Reflect, Work, Dream, and Wonder
Dcc Rpg Original Adventures Reincarnated 8 Grimtooth’s Old School Traps
Dcc Rpg Original Adventures Reincarnated 8 Grimtooth’s Old School Traps
The War Born: Seven Forges, Book VI
The War Born: Seven Forges, Book VI
The Diary of a CEO [Hardcover], Start Now Get Perfect Later, Mindset With Muscle, Think Like a Boss 4 Books Collection Set
The Diary of a CEO [Hardcover], Start Now Get Perfect Later, Mindset With Muscle, Think Like a Boss 4 Books Collection Set
A Manual Of Family Medicine For India
A Manual Of Family Medicine For India
History of the Manufacture of Iron in All Ages: And Particularly in the United States for Three Hundred Years, From 1585 to 1885
History of the Manufacture of Iron in All Ages: And Particularly in the United States for Three Hundred Years, From 1585 to 1885
The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence;; Volume 6
The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence;; Volume 6
History of the Cooper Shop Volunteer
History of the Cooper Shop Volunteer
With the Fourth New Zealand Rough Riders
With the Fourth New Zealand Rough Riders
Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple
Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple
Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine
Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine
Mastering the Metal: The Story of James Watson and Eddie Bravo
Mastering the Metal: The Story of James Watson and Eddie Bravo
Blue: The Many Ways I Feel
Blue: The Many Ways I Feel
Strata: A Desert Dwelling (Hardcover with Slipcase)
Strata: A Desert Dwelling (Hardcover with Slipcase)

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