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Holly Black

Holly Black biografia





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Biografia Holly Black
Holly Black
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Holly Black è nata nel novembre del 1971 in una decrepita casa vittoriana nel New Jersey. Sua madre, una pittrice e creatrice di bambole, la nutrì a libri, fantasmi e favole.
E' cresciuta con la sorella Heidi prendendosi cura degli animali domestici di casa, dei ratti.

Holly Black vive nel New Jersey. Appassionata collezionista di rari volumi sul folklore, ha regalato ai lettori meravigliose story fantasy per cui è stata insignita di premi prestigiosi. Per Mondadori ha pubblicato i libri della serie Spiderwick, con Tony DiTerlizzi. Il suo sito è

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Holly Black
L'héritier trahi - Broché
L'héritier trahi - Broché
Spiderwick Tome 4 : l'arbre de fer
Spiderwick Tome 4 : l'arbre de fer
The Folk of the Air Complete Set: 1-4
The Folk of the Air Complete Set: 1-4
Magisterium - Das 1. Jahr: Auftakt einer magischen Abenteuerreihe ab 10 Jahre
Magisterium - Das 1. Jahr: Auftakt einer magischen Abenteuerreihe ab 10 Jahre
El legado robado
El legado robado
Złota wieża
Złota wieża
Zły król
Zły król
Królowa niczego
Królowa niczego
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel Prince
The Wicked King
The Wicked King
The Queen of Nothing
The Queen of Nothing
De verloren troon
De verloren troon
The Prisoner's Throne
The Prisoner's Throne
The Stolen Heir Set
The Stolen Heir Set
ELFENERBE - Der gefangene Prinz: Der zweite Band der grandiosen »Elfenerbe«-Reihe. TikTok made me buy it. Mit gestaltetem Farbschnitt in limitierter Auflage: 2
ELFENERBE - Der gefangene Prinz: Der zweite Band der grandiosen »Elfenerbe«-Reihe. TikTok made me buy it. Mit gestaltetem Farbschnitt in limitierter Auflage: 2
Le cronache di Spiderwick. La raccolta completa
Le cronache di Spiderwick. La raccolta completa
The Cruel Prince. Special Edition: 1
The Cruel Prince. Special Edition: 1
Au plus profond de la forêt
Au plus profond de la forêt
The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, The No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 2023
The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, The No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 2023
The Prisoner's Throne
The Prisoner's Throne
La chica más fría de Coldtown: 1
La chica más fría de Coldtown: 1
L'héritier trahi
L'héritier trahi
La Reine sans royaume - Collector
La Reine sans royaume - Collector
Le livre de la nuit: Tome 1
Le livre de la nuit: Tome 1
BrÄ…zowy klucz
BrÄ…zowy klucz
The Modern Faerie Tales Trilogy
The Modern Faerie Tales Trilogy
The Cruel Prince: 1
The Cruel Prince: 1
Sir Morien: The Legend of a Knight of the Round Table
Sir Morien: The Legend of a Knight of the Round Table
How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories
How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You
Hierro: 3
Hierro: 3
Book of Night
Book of Night
Lucinda's Secret: 3
Lucinda's Secret: 3
The Ironwood Tree: 4
The Ironwood Tree: 4
The Wrath of Mulgarath: 5
The Wrath of Mulgarath: 5
The Field Guide: 1
The Field Guide: 1
The Seeing Stone: 2
The Seeing Stone: 2
Mroczne sÄ…siedztwo (1)
Mroczne sÄ…siedztwo (1)
El legado robado
El legado robado
Corazón negro/ Black Heart
Corazón negro/ Black Heart
ELFENERBE - Der gestohlene Thron: Die lang ersehnte Fortsetzung der »Elfenkrone«-Weltbestsellerreihe - voller Intrigen, gefährlicher Liebe und ... Buchschnitt in limitierter Erstauflage: 1
ELFENERBE - Der gestohlene Thron: Die lang ersehnte Fortsetzung der »Elfenkrone«-Weltbestsellerreihe - voller Intrigen, gefährlicher Liebe und ... Buchschnitt in limitierter Erstauflage: 1
Lucinda's Secret
Lucinda's Secret
The Ironwood Tree
The Ironwood Tree
The Wrath of Mulgarath
The Wrath of Mulgarath
The Complete Spiderwick Chronicles Boxed Set: The Field Guide; the Seeing Stone; Lucinda's Secret; the Ironwood Tree; the Wrath of Mulgarath; the Nixie's Song; a Giant Problem; the Wyrm King
The Complete Spiderwick Chronicles Boxed Set: The Field Guide; the Seeing Stone; Lucinda's Secret; the Ironwood Tree; the Wrath of Mulgarath; the Nixie's Song; a Giant Problem; the Wyrm King
A Giant Problem: Volume 7
A Giant Problem: Volume 7
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series
The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
A Giant Problem: Volume 7
A Giant Problem: Volume 7
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Nixie's Song: Volume 6
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
The Wyrm King: Volume 8
Valor: 2
Valor: 2
El libro de la noche
El libro de la noche
The Stolen Heir
The Stolen Heir
The Stolen Heir
The Stolen Heir
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Field Guide: Volume 1
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
The Seeing Stone: Volume 2
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
Lucinda's Secret: Volume 3
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Ironwood Tree: Volume 4
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Wrath of Mulgarath: Volume 5
The Spiderwick Chronicles Collection: The Field Guide; the Seeing Stone; Lucinda's Secret; the Ironwood Tree; the Wrath of Mulgarath
The Spiderwick Chronicles Collection: The Field Guide; the Seeing Stone; Lucinda's Secret; the Ironwood Tree; the Wrath of Mulgarath
Serce Trolla Elfy ziemi i powietrza Tom 2
Serce Trolla Elfy ziemi i powietrza Tom 2
Book of Night
Book of Night
The Modern Faerie Tales Collection: Tithe; Valiant; Ironside
The Modern Faerie Tales Collection: Tithe; Valiant; Ironside

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