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Hilaire Belloc

Hilaire Belloc biografia





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Biografia Hilaire Belloc
Hilaire Belloc
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Joseph-Pierre Hilaire Belloc nasce il 27 luglio 1870 a La Celle-Saint-Cloud, presso Parigi, da padre francese, avvocato, e madre inglese, appartenente all'alta borghesia, convertita al cattolicesimo dal protestantesimo. Compie i primi studi presso i padri oratoriani in Inghilterra, a Birmingham, poi negli Stati Uniti d'America e in Francia. Addottorato con il massimo dei voti in storia nell'esclusivo Balliol College di Oxford, si vede preclusa la prospettiva di una carriera accademica a causa del temperamento indipendente e combattivo e della dichiarata adesione al cattolicesimo. Nel 1900 conosce Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936), con il quale dà vita a un fraterno sodalizio intellettuale. Divenuto suddito britannico nel 1902, nel 1906 è eletto alla Camera dei Comuni per il Partito Liberale e nel 1910 come indipendente. Polemista molto attivo nel dibattito politico, è anche scrittore straordinariamente prolifico nei generi più diversi: dalla narrativa per ragazzi alla poesia, dai racconti di viaggio - celebre La Via di Roma, in cui narra il pellegrinaggio a piedi da Parigi a Roma svolto nel 1901 - alla tecnica militare e ai romanzi polizieschi, dai saggi di tema politico alle biografie e alle grandi opere storiche. Si spegne il 16 luglio 1953 a Guilford, nel Surrey.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Hilaire Belloc
Die freie Presse
Die freie Presse
The Great Heresies (Ashman Free Press)
The Great Heresies (Ashman Free Press)
Avril: Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance
Avril: Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance
This and That and the Other
This and That and the Other
Essays, Critical and Historical
Essays, Critical and Historical
[The Great Heresies - Enhanced Edition with Maps] [Ashman Free Press] [June, 2024]
[The Great Heresies - Enhanced Edition with Maps] [Ashman Free Press] [June, 2024]
First and Last
First and Last
Mr. Clutterbuck's Election
Mr. Clutterbuck's Election
How The Reformation Happened
How The Reformation Happened
Essays, Critical and Historical
Essays, Critical and Historical
The Servile State
The Servile State
A General Sketch of the European War
A General Sketch of the European War
The Modern Traveller
The Modern Traveller
Emmanuel Burden, Merchant, of Thames St., in the City of London, Exporter of Hardware: A Record of His Lineage, Speculations, Last Days and Death
Emmanuel Burden, Merchant, of Thames St., in the City of London, Exporter of Hardware: A Record of His Lineage, Speculations, Last Days and Death
The Campaign of 1812, and the Retreat From Moscow
The Campaign of 1812, and the Retreat From Moscow
The two Maps of Europe and Some Other Aspects of the Great War
The two Maps of Europe and Some Other Aspects of the Great War
Miniatures Of French History
Miniatures Of French History
Emmanual Burden
Emmanual Burden
Essays in Liberalism
Essays in Liberalism
Precepts and Judgments
Precepts and Judgments
On Nothing & Kindred Subjects
On Nothing & Kindred Subjects
The County Gentleman and Land & Water. Jan - June 1915
The County Gentleman and Land & Water. Jan - June 1915
The emerald of Catherine the Great
The emerald of Catherine the Great
Modern Ä°ngiltere'nin DeÅŸifresi
Modern Ä°ngiltere'nin DeÅŸifresi
First and Last
First and Last
Auf etwas
Auf etwas
Sur quelque chose
Sur quelque chose
Sur rien et des sujets apparentés
Sur rien et des sujets apparentés
Ãœber Nichts und verwandte Themen
Ãœber Nichts und verwandte Themen
The Servile State
The Servile State
The Road
The Road
The River of London
The River of London
Cautionary Tales
Cautionary Tales
The Mercy of Allah
The Mercy of Allah
The Cruise of the Nona: The Story of a Cruise from Holyhead to the Wash, with Reflections and Judgments on Life and Letters, Men and Manners
The Cruise of the Nona: The Story of a Cruise from Holyhead to the Wash, with Reflections and Judgments on Life and Letters, Men and Manners
Cautionary Tales for Children
Cautionary Tales for Children
The History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans. to the Accession of King George the Fifth. Volume 8
The History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans. to the Accession of King George the Fifth. Volume 8
On Something
On Something
The History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of King George the Fifth. Volume 08
The History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of King George the Fifth. Volume 08
Hills and the Sea
Hills and the Sea
On Everything
On Everything
On Anything
On Anything
The Old Road
The Old Road
On Something
On Something
On Nothing & Kindred Subjects
On Nothing & Kindred Subjects
The Historic Thames
The Historic Thames
The Free Press
The Free Press
Europe and the Faith
Europe and the Faith

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