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Henry Van Dyke

Henry Van Dyke biografia





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Biografia Henry Van Dyke
Henry Van Dyke
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Henry van Dyke (1852-1933) è stato un prete, educatore e scrittore americano. Si lauerò a Princeton nel 1873 e dal seminario teologico nel 1874. E' stato pastore della chiesa presbiteriana a New York, professore di letteratura inglese a Princeton.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Henry Van Dyke
Joy and Power: Three Messages With One Meaning
Joy and Power: Three Messages With One Meaning
Golden Stars, and Other Verses Following "The Red Flower"
Golden Stars, and Other Verses Following
God and Little Children: Vol. 1
God and Little Children: Vol. 1
The Works Of Henry Van Dyke: Poems
The Works Of Henry Van Dyke: Poems
What Peace Means
What Peace Means
Le manoir
Le manoir
Die Villa
Die Villa
The Unknown Quantity: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales
The Unknown Quantity: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales
A First Book in English Literature
A First Book in English Literature
The Lost Boy
The Lost Boy
An Introduction to the Poems of Tennyson
An Introduction to the Poems of Tennyson
The Poetry of the Psalms: For Readers of the English Bible
The Poetry of the Psalms: For Readers of the English Bible
Sermons To Young Man
Sermons To Young Man
Counsels by the Way
Counsels by the Way
The Spirit of America
The Spirit of America
The Gospel for an age of Doubt; the Yale Lectures on Preaching, 1866;
The Gospel for an age of Doubt; the Yale Lectures on Preaching, 1866;
The Valley of Vision
The Valley of Vision
The First Christmas Tree and The Keeper Of The Light
The First Christmas Tree and The Keeper Of The Light
The Spirit Of Christmas and The First Christmas Tree
The Spirit Of Christmas and The First Christmas Tree
The Spirit Of Christmas and The Keeper Of The Light
The Spirit Of Christmas and The Keeper Of The Light
The First Christmas Tree and The Lost Word
The First Christmas Tree and The Lost Word
Ladies of the Rachmaninoff Eyes
Ladies of the Rachmaninoff Eyes
The Broken Soldier And The Maid Of France
The Broken Soldier And The Maid Of France
The Reality Of Religion
The Reality Of Religion
Poems of Tennyson;
Poems of Tennyson;
Companionable Books
Companionable Books
The Story of the Other Wise Man
The Story of the Other Wise Man
The Ruling Passion: in large print
The Ruling Passion: in large print
Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things: in large print
Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things: in large print
The Builders And Other Poems
The Builders And Other Poems
The First Christmas Tree: A Story of the Forest
The First Christmas Tree: A Story of the Forest
The Lost Word: A Christmas Legend of Long Ago
The Lost Word: A Christmas Legend of Long Ago
The Mansion
The Mansion
The Sad Shepherd: A Christmas Story
The Sad Shepherd: A Christmas Story
Who Owns the Mountains?: Classic Selections Celebrating the Joys of Nature
Who Owns the Mountains?: Classic Selections Celebrating the Joys of Nature
Little Rivers: A Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness
Little Rivers: A Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness
The Valley of Vision: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales: in large print
The Valley of Vision: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales: in large print
The First Christmas Tree
The First Christmas Tree
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
Голубой Цветок; The Blue Flower (Russian edition)
Голубой Цветок; The Blue Flower (Russian edition)
The Sad Shepherd
The Sad Shepherd

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