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H. Rider Haggard

H. Rider Haggard biografia





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Biografia H. Rider Haggard
H. Rider Haggard
Modifica bioCronologia

Henry Rider Haggard nasce nel 1856 a West Bradenham Hall, in Inghilterra. Il padre era avvocato, la madre una scrittrice dilettante.

Avviato alla carriera diplomatica, nel 1875 si trasferisce, ancora giovanissimo, in SudAfrica dove studia Legge e svolge le funzioni di funzionario della Corona, esercitando inizialmente l'attività di vicesegretario del Governatore del Natal e successivamente le funzioni di giudice di pretoria. Partecipa direttamente agli eventi che nel 1877 porteranno all'annessione del Transvaal all'Impero Britannico, e di cui parla con competenza nella sua prima opera - rigorosamente realistica - Cetywayo and his White Neighbours. Il lungo soggiorno nel continente africano gli permette di conoscere a fondo la storia e i costumi degli zulù e delle altre etnie locali, fornendogli quindi non pochi elementi per i suoi successivi scritti d'avventura.
Ritornato nel 1881 a Londra, sposa Mariana Louisa Margitson, una ricca ereditiera. La coppia vive inizialmente nel Transvaal, dove Haggard possedeva un allevamento di struzzi, ma quando la colonia viene ceduta dagli inglesi agli olandesi i due fanno ritorno in patria. Qui l'autore esercita per qualche anno la professione legale e nel 1884 pubblica il suo primo romanzo fantastico, Dawn. Ma il successo arriverà solo l'anno seguente con King Salomon's Mines, romanzo nato inizialmente per semplice scommessa: Haggard si era infatti impegnato con un amico a scrivere un libro che superasse il modello di R.L. Stevenson di Treasure Island, e lo ambientò nel continente africano di cui aveva giustamente una profonda conoscenza delle tradizioni, della storia e di cui fu appassionato studioso delle vestigia delle antiche civiltà. L'enorme ed inaspettato successo riscosso dal romanzo gli dà la spinta per una carriera trionfale: al personaggio di Allan Quatermain - protagonista del già citato King Salomon's Mines - dedica infatti ben quindici volumi tra romanzi e racconti, e nel 1887 scrive il celeberrimo She col quale apre un ciclo narrativo dedicato al personaggio di Ayesha, ch'è ancora oggi considerato un fondamentale classico della narrativa fantasy.
Il resto della sua produzione - principalmente romantico-fantastica dal gusto oscillante fra la letteratura gialla e quella d'avventura - è divisibile in tre gruppi: romanzi «africani», tra cui ricordiamo Nada the Lily (1891), Queen Sheba's Ring (1892) e The People of the Mist (1894), storie dell'Antico Egitto tra cui citiamo Cleopatra (1889) - rigorosa ricostruzione storica, Morning Star (1889), The World's Desire (1890) - con cui l'autore riprende il personaggio omerico di Ulisse, e Queen of the Dawn (1925), e romanzi pseudostorici tra cui ricordiamo Montezuma's Daughter (1893), The Wanderer's Necklace (1914) - sulle avventure di un vichingo che si unisce all'Impero Romano d'Oriente nella lotta contro i Musulmani, Moon of Israel: a Tale of the Exodus (1918) e When the World Shook (1919) - sul mito di Atlantide.

Tra il 1912 e il 1917, quale esperto di agricoltura, è membro della Commissione Reale per le Colonie. Per i suoi studi in questo campo - a cui l'autore dedica due volumi: Rural England (1902) e The Poor and the Land (1905) - Haggard viene nominato Baronetto nel 1912 e Commendatore dell'Impero nel 1919.

Muore nel 1925 a Londra.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
H. Rider Haggard
Joan Haste
Joan Haste
Ayesha, the Return of She (Esprios Classics)
Ayesha, the Return of She (Esprios Classics)
Child of Storm (Esprios Classics)
Child of Storm (Esprios Classics)
The World's Desire (Esprios Classics): H. Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang
The World's Desire (Esprios Classics): H. Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang
She (Esprios Classics)
She (Esprios Classics)
Allan Quatermain (Esprios Classics)
Allan Quatermain (Esprios Classics)
She and Allan (Esprios Classics)
She and Allan (Esprios Classics)
The People of the Mist (Esprios Classics)
The People of the Mist (Esprios Classics)
Morning Star (Esprios Classics)
Morning Star (Esprios Classics)
Marie: An Episode in the Life of the Late Allan Quatermain
Marie: An Episode in the Life of the Late Allan Quatermain
The Ghost Kings
The Ghost Kings
Love Eternal
Love Eternal
Swallow: A Tale of the Great Trek
Swallow: A Tale of the Great Trek
Ayesha, the Return of She
Ayesha, the Return of She
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch
Jess: Épisode de la guerre du Transvaal
Jess: Épisode de la guerre du Transvaal
Der Mahatma und der Hase Eine Traumgeschichte
Der Mahatma und der Hase Eine Traumgeschichte
King Solomon's Mines
King Solomon's Mines
A Tale Of Three Lions
A Tale Of Three Lions
She and Allan
She and Allan
Doctor Therne
Doctor Therne
Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain
Cetywayo and his White Neighbours. Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
Cetywayo and his White Neighbours. Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
The Ivory Child: in large print
The Ivory Child: in large print
Elissa; Or, The Doom of Zimbabwe: in large print
Elissa; Or, The Doom of Zimbabwe: in large print
Doctor Therne: in large print
Doctor Therne: in large print
Jess: in large print
Jess: in large print
The Saga of Eric Brighteyes (Ed. Tom Shippey - Uppsala Books)
The Saga of Eric Brighteyes (Ed. Tom Shippey - Uppsala Books)
Allan and the Holy Flower
Allan and the Holy Flower
Finished: in large print
Finished: in large print
Long Odds; and Hunter Quatermain's Story: in large print
Long Odds; and Hunter Quatermain's Story: in large print
The Brethren: in large print
The Brethren: in large print
Cleopatra: in large print
Cleopatra: in large print
Queen of the Dawn
Queen of the Dawn
El collar del hombre errante
El collar del hombre errante
A Yellow God; An Idol of Africa: in large print
A Yellow God; An Idol of Africa: in large print
The Wizard: in large print
The Wizard: in large print
Swallow; A Tale of the Great Trek: in large print
Swallow; A Tale of the Great Trek: in large print
Allan and the Holy Flower; A novel: in large print
Allan and the Holy Flower; A novel: in large print
Pearl-Maiden; A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem: in large print
Pearl-Maiden; A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem: in large print
Ayesha, the Return of She; A Novel: in large print
Ayesha, the Return of She; A Novel: in large print
Child of Storm: in large print
Child of Storm: in large print
Finished: in large print
Finished: in large print
Montezuma's Daughter: in large print
Montezuma's Daughter: in large print
Fair Margaret (Esprios Classics): WITH 15 ILLUSTRATIONS BY J. R. SKELTON
Fair Margaret (Esprios Classics): WITH 15 ILLUSTRATIONS BY J. R. SKELTON
The People of the Mist: in large print
The People of the Mist: in large print
When the World Shook
When the World Shook
She and Allan
She and Allan
Nada the Lily
Nada the Lily
Wisdom's Daughter
Wisdom's Daughter
Allan's Wife and Other Tales
Allan's Wife and Other Tales
King Solomon's Mines
King Solomon's Mines
Benita, An African Romance
Benita, An African Romance
Child of Storm
Child of Storm
Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain
The Ghost Kings
The Ghost Kings
Allan and the Holy Flower
Allan and the Holy Flower
Red Eve: in large print
Red Eve: in large print
Beatrice: in large print
Beatrice: in large print
The Wanderer's Necklace: in large print
The Wanderer's Necklace: in large print
The Virgin of the Sun: in large print
The Virgin of the Sun: in large print
The Lady of Blossholme (Esprios Classics)
The Lady of Blossholme (Esprios Classics)
Eric Brighteyes (Esprios Classics)
Eric Brighteyes (Esprios Classics)
A Yellow God (Esprios Classics): An Idol of Africa
A Yellow God (Esprios Classics): An Idol of Africa
Allan's Wife (Esprios Classics)
Allan's Wife (Esprios Classics)
The Ancient Allan: in large print
The Ancient Allan: in large print
Jess: in large print
Jess: in large print
Stella Fregelius; A Tale of Three Destinies: in large print
Stella Fregelius; A Tale of Three Destinies: in large print
Smith and the Pharaohs, and other Tales: in large print
Smith and the Pharaohs, and other Tales: in large print
Lysbeth, A Tale Of The Dutch
Lysbeth, A Tale Of The Dutch
Doctor Therne: in large print
Doctor Therne: in large print
Allan Quatermain in Finished: A Tale of Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain in Finished: A Tale of Allan Quatermain
She and Allan: in large print
She and Allan: in large print
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch: in large print
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch: in large print
Allan Quatermain and the Ice Gods
Allan Quatermain and the Ice Gods
Allan Quatermain's Wife
Allan Quatermain's Wife
She and Allan: in large print
She and Allan: in large print
The Ancient Allan: in large print
The Ancient Allan: in large print
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch: in large print
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch: in large print
Doctor Therne: in large print
Doctor Therne: in large print
The Brethren (Esprios Classics)
The Brethren (Esprios Classics)
The Brethren
The Brethren
King Solomon's Mines
King Solomon's Mines
Allan and the Ice Gods
Allan and the Ice Gods
Swallow; A Tale of the Great Trek: in large print
Swallow; A Tale of the Great Trek: in large print
Red Eve: in large print
Red Eve: in large print
Beatrice: in large print
Beatrice: in large print
The Wanderer's Necklace: in large print
The Wanderer's Necklace: in large print
The Virgin of the Sun: in large print
The Virgin of the Sun: in large print
Love Eternal: in large print
Love Eternal: in large print
Ayesha, the Return of She; A Novel: in large print
Ayesha, the Return of She; A Novel: in large print
Allan and the Holy Flower; A novel: in large print
Allan and the Holy Flower; A novel: in large print
Pearl-Maiden; A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem: in large print
Pearl-Maiden; A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem: in large print
Swallow; A Tale of the Great Trek: in large print
Swallow; A Tale of the Great Trek: in large print
King Solomon's Mines: A Survival Story About Three Guys Trekking Across Southern Africa
King Solomon's Mines: A Survival Story About Three Guys Trekking Across Southern Africa
She: A History of Adventure
She: A History of Adventure
The World's Desire
The World's Desire
Montezuma's Daughter (Esprios Classics)
Montezuma's Daughter (Esprios Classics)
Cleopatra (Esprios Classics)
Cleopatra (Esprios Classics)
The Ancient Allan (Esprios Classics)
The Ancient Allan (Esprios Classics)
Love Eternal (Esprios Classics)
Love Eternal (Esprios Classics)
Marie (Esprios Classics)
Marie (Esprios Classics)
King Solomon's Mines (Illustrated)
King Solomon's Mines (Illustrated)
King Solomon's mines
King Solomon's mines

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