Biografia George Dennis |
George Dennis, archeologo (Londra 1814 - ivi 1898). Fu viceconsole d'Inghilterra a Bengasi (1863), poi console a Creta (1869), in Sicilia (1870) e a Smirne (1879). Condusse esplorazioni archeologiche in Cirenaica (1865-66) e in Asia Minore (1867; 1882). Vicepresidente dell'Istituto archeologico di Roma, ha lasciato un importante lavoro su The cities and cemeteries of Etruria (1848), frutto dei viaggi fatti in Etruria dal 1842 al 1847.
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| The Cid: a Short Chronicle, Founded on the Early Poetry of Spain
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| The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, Volume 4
| The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
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| Comparative Assessment of Social Issues in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean
| Leading the Little Ones to Christ: An Aid to Catechists of the First Communion Class
| Post Office Jobs: The Ultimate 474, 475, 476 & 477 Postal Exam Study Guide
| Englische Erzählungen (mit kostenlosem Audio-Download-Link): Lesemethode von Ilya Frank - Ungekürzter Originaltext - Englisch durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren
| The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria: Volume 2
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