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Des Watson

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Biografia Des Watson
Des Watson
Modifica bioCronologia

Des Watson lavora al dipartimento di informatica all'Universitŕ del Sussex a Brighton.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Des Watson
The Winner's Mindset
The Winner's Mindset
Riley And Her Family: The Coloring & Activity Book
Riley And Her Family: The Coloring & Activity Book
Cædmon, the First English Poet
Cædmon, the First English Poet
How to Walk on the Moon: And Other Incredible Ideas about Physics
How to Walk on the Moon: And Other Incredible Ideas about Physics
Alphabet by Heart
Alphabet by Heart
Moral Injuries
Moral Injuries
TIFO: The Art of Football Fan Stickers
TIFO: The Art of Football Fan Stickers
Little Girl Lost: The gripping 2024 fostering memoir from the Sunday Times bestselling author
Little Girl Lost: The gripping 2024 fostering memoir from the Sunday Times bestselling author
Reading, Writing, and Researching in the New Informaiton Age
Reading, Writing, and Researching in the New Informaiton Age
Reading, Writing, and Researching in the New Information Age with Readings
Reading, Writing, and Researching in the New Information Age with Readings
The Short End of the Sonnenallee
The Short End of the Sonnenallee
A History of Scotland's Landscapes
A History of Scotland's Landscapes
Florida's New Deal Parks and Post Office Murals
Florida's New Deal Parks and Post Office Murals
Beyond Fragility: A Skills-based Guide to Effective Anti-racist Allyship
Beyond Fragility: A Skills-based Guide to Effective Anti-racist Allyship
The Naked Neanderthal
The Naked Neanderthal
Paranormal Cumbria
Paranormal Cumbria
Hiking Waterfalls North Carolina: A Guide to the State's Best Waterfall Hikes
Hiking Waterfalls North Carolina: A Guide to the State's Best Waterfall Hikes
The Wren Hunt
The Wren Hunt
The Force
The Force
Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act
Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act
Faulkner, Welty, Wright: A Mississippi Confluence
Faulkner, Welty, Wright: A Mississippi Confluence
Super Nova, Volume 1
Super Nova, Volume 1
The Celtic Placenames of Scotland
The Celtic Placenames of Scotland
Rick Steves Iceland (Third Edition)
Rick Steves Iceland (Third Edition)
Orthobiologics for Fractures and Nonunion Management
Orthobiologics for Fractures and Nonunion Management
Snow White and the Unevil Queen: An Untraditional Graphic Novel
Snow White and the Unevil Queen: An Untraditional Graphic Novel
Faith Made Flesh: The Black Child Legacy Campaign for Transformative Justice and Healthy Futures
Faith Made Flesh: The Black Child Legacy Campaign for Transformative Justice and Healthy Futures
Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research
Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research
Get ahead! Medicine and Surgery: OSCES and Data Interpretation
Get ahead! Medicine and Surgery: OSCES and Data Interpretation
Grizz Listens and Leads: A Hearing Dog Graphic Novel
Grizz Listens and Leads: A Hearing Dog Graphic Novel
Cha Cha Stays Calm: A Service Dog Graphic Novel
Cha Cha Stays Calm: A Service Dog Graphic Novel
Love at First Flight: The heart-soaring fake-dating romantic comedy to fly away with!
Love at First Flight: The heart-soaring fake-dating romantic comedy to fly away with!
The Passion of Private White
The Passion of Private White
Mark Watson Untitled Book 2
Mark Watson Untitled Book 2
Ein Tribut an Clueso: Die illustrierte Biografie
Ein Tribut an Clueso: Die illustrierte Biografie
Elon Musk: Visionär, Unternehmer, Weltraumpionier - die Biografie
Elon Musk: Visionär, Unternehmer, Weltraumpionier - die Biografie
Root Management
Root Management
No Evil is Wide: Graphic Novel
No Evil is Wide: Graphic Novel
We Play Here
We Play Here
50 grandi idee. Futuro. Nuova ediz.
50 grandi idee. Futuro. Nuova ediz.
Polo Cowboy
Polo Cowboy
What Happens on Vacation
What Happens on Vacation
Turning Points: Responsive Pedagogies in Studio Art Education
Turning Points: Responsive Pedagogies in Studio Art Education
The Letters of John
The Letters of John
Transfer Activity Book Unicorns
Transfer Activity Book Unicorns
Behavioral Neuroscience
Behavioral Neuroscience
Chapman & Nakielny's Guide to Radiological Procedures
Chapman & Nakielny's Guide to Radiological Procedures
The Science of Esports
The Science of Esports
Smart Housekeeping Around the Year: An Almanac of Cleaning, Organizing, Decluttering, Furnishing, Maintaining, and Managing Your Home, With Tips for Every Month and Season
Smart Housekeeping Around the Year: An Almanac of Cleaning, Organizing, Decluttering, Furnishing, Maintaining, and Managing Your Home, With Tips for Every Month and Season
Mr. Mindbomb: Eco-Hero and Greenpeace Co-Founder Bob Hunter: a Life in Stories
Mr. Mindbomb: Eco-Hero and Greenpeace Co-Founder Bob Hunter: a Life in Stories
The Bones
The Bones
La dame de son désir
La dame de son désir
History and Philosophy of Expertise, A: The Nature and Limits of Authority
History and Philosophy of Expertise, A: The Nature and Limits of Authority
With the Tanks, 1916-1918: Memoirs of a British Tank Commander in the Great War
With the Tanks, 1916-1918: Memoirs of a British Tank Commander in the Great War
Archaeology and Public Benefit: Moving the Debate Forward
Archaeology and Public Benefit: Moving the Debate Forward
The Lonely Quest of Unilever's Ceo Paul Polman
The Lonely Quest of Unilever's Ceo Paul Polman
Fantastic Forres
Fantastic Forres
Ripped Apart: Cyprus Crisis, 1963-1944
Ripped Apart: Cyprus Crisis, 1963-1944
Faulkner's Families
Faulkner's Families
Faulkner and Slavery
Faulkner and Slavery
Black Folk Medicine: The Therapeutic Significance of Faith and Trust
Black Folk Medicine: The Therapeutic Significance of Faith and Trust
Heritage and Emotion: Power, place, affect
Heritage and Emotion: Power, place, affect
Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages
Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages
A More Radical Elsewhere: Foundations, Understandings, and Practices for Our Freedom
A More Radical Elsewhere: Foundations, Understandings, and Practices for Our Freedom
Ellis and Calne’s Lecture Notes in General Surgery , 14th Edition
Ellis and Calne’s Lecture Notes in General Surgery , 14th Edition
Sins of the Father: Abused by my father every day for a decade, this is my story of survival
Sins of the Father: Abused by my father every day for a decade, this is my story of survival
Little Turtle and the Coyote: Independent Reading Turquoise 7
Little Turtle and the Coyote: Independent Reading Turquoise 7
The Three Dahlias
The Three Dahlias
The Way We Live Now
The Way We Live Now
America's War on Terror
America's War on Terror
Queer Politics: Identity, Culture, and American Democracy
Queer Politics: Identity, Culture, and American Democracy
Climate Engineering
Climate Engineering
Liverpool English
Liverpool English
Creative Thinking for Business Leaders: How to Accomplish Successful Ideation through Creative Resilience
Creative Thinking for Business Leaders: How to Accomplish Successful Ideation through Creative Resilience
Mark Watson Untitled Book 2
Mark Watson Untitled Book 2
Mark Watson Untitled Book 2
Mark Watson Untitled Book 2
Digital Forensics Processing and Procedures: Meeting the Requirements of Iso 17020, Iso 17025, Iso 27001 and Best Practice Requirements
Digital Forensics Processing and Procedures: Meeting the Requirements of Iso 17020, Iso 17025, Iso 27001 and Best Practice Requirements
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Le otto montagne di Cognetti: la quiete che parla all'anima
Ombre di Guerra: Il Bambino di Marco Balzano, un fascista alla ricerca della madre Perduta
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Elegia americana di J.D. Vance: una voce dall'America dimenticata, un ritratto crudo della classe operaia bianca americana
Rio de Janeiro, palcoscenico dell’anima in L'amore č un fiume di Carla Madeira
Il lato oscuro dell’adolescenza. Le dieci lezioni sul male di Mauro Grimoldi
Danza di ombre: Il commiato di Alice Munro
Dietro le Facce del Male. Victoria Kielland ci porta in un Viaggio nell'emotivitŕ di Belle Gunness
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