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Child Lee

Child Lee biografia





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Biografia Child Lee
Child Lee
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Lee Child è nato a Coventry, in Inghilterra, nel 1954. Dopo aver lavorato per vent’anni come autore di programmi televisivi, nel 1997 ha deciso di dedicarsi alla narrativa: il suo primo romanzo Zona pericolosa è stato salutato da un notevole successo di pubblico e critica, lo stesso è accaduto per Destinazione Inferno, Trappola mortale, Via di fuga e Colpo secco (tutti pubblicati da Longanes). Trasferitosi negli Stati Uniti nel 1998, continua a scrivere apprezzatissimi romanzi d’azione incentrati sulla figura di Jack Reacher, personaggio definito dal suo autore come «un vero duro, un ex militare addestrato a pensare e ad agire con assoluta rapidità e determinazione, ma anche dotato di un profondo senso dell’onore e della giustizia».

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Child Lee
Liever dood dan levend
Liever dood dan levend
In Too Deep: A Jack Reacher Novel: 29
In Too Deep: A Jack Reacher Novel: 29
Liever dood dan levend
Liever dood dan levend
Geen paniek: En andere verhalen
Geen paniek: En andere verhalen
In de val
In de val
Jack Reacher: Poszukiwany
Jack Reacher: Poszukiwany
The Big Bang! Crime Prize Anthology
The Big Bang! Crime Prize Anthology
Un homme de parole
Un homme de parole
La Sentinelle
La Sentinelle
Safe Enough: And Other Stories
Safe Enough: And Other Stories
Via di fuga
Via di fuga
Il nemico
Il nemico
La vittima designata
La vittima designata
Oblígame: Una novela de Jack Reacher
Oblígame: Una novela de Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher: Sekret
Jack Reacher: Sekret
The Big Bang!: An Anthology
The Big Bang!: An Anthology
The Secret: A Jack Reacher Novel
The Secret: A Jack Reacher Novel
Jack Reacher Series (26-28) Collection 3 Books Set By Lee Child (Better Off Dead, No Plan B & [Hardcover] The Secret)
Jack Reacher Series (26-28) Collection 3 Books Set By Lee Child (Better Off Dead, No Plan B & [Hardcover] The Secret)
De wachtpost (Special Reefman 2024)
De wachtpost (Special Reefman 2024)
Blauwe maan
Blauwe maan
In Too Deep: (Jack Reacher 29)
In Too Deep: (Jack Reacher 29)
Fara Plan De Rezerva
Fara Plan De Rezerva
Jack Reacher: Elita zabójców
Jack Reacher: Elita zabójców
An Unnecessary Assassin
An Unnecessary Assassin
The Life and Campaigns of General Lee
The Life and Campaigns of General Lee
El asunto: Una novela de Jack Reacher
El asunto: Una novela de Jack Reacher
Vendetta a freddo. Nuova ediz.
Vendetta a freddo. Nuova ediz.
Der Sündenbock: Ein Jack-Reacher-Roman: 25
Der Sündenbock: Ein Jack-Reacher-Roman: 25
Jack Reacher Bez litości
Jack Reacher Bez litości
La prova decisiva
La prova decisiva
A prova di killer
A prova di killer
I dodici segni
I dodici segni
The Secret
The Secret
Tripwire: (Jack Reacher 3)
Tripwire: (Jack Reacher 3)
Without Fail: 6
Without Fail: 6
The Secret
The Secret
Der Sündenbock: Ein Jack-Reacher-Roman: 25
Der Sündenbock: Ein Jack-Reacher-Roman: 25
Lee Child Jack Reacher Series 2 Books Collection Set (No Plan B [Hardcover], Better Off Dead)
Lee Child Jack Reacher Series 2 Books Collection Set (No Plan B [Hardcover], Better Off Dead)
The American Anti-slavery Almanac, for ...: Calculated for Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh ..; 1844
The American Anti-slavery Almanac, for ...: Calculated for Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh ..; 1844
Un passo di troppo
Un passo di troppo
Het geheim
Het geheim
Geen plan B
Geen plan B
The Secret: A Jack Reacher Novel
The Secret: A Jack Reacher Novel
Verleden tijd (Special Boekenvoordeel 2023)
Verleden tijd (Special Boekenvoordeel 2023)
De wachtpost (Special Boekenvoordeel 2023)
De wachtpost (Special Boekenvoordeel 2023)
Les Temps du passé
Les Temps du passé
Jack Reacher Bez planu B
Jack Reacher Bez planu B
Un homme de parole
Un homme de parole
Jack Reacher: Bez planu B
Jack Reacher: Bez planu B
The Irresistible Italians And The Crown Collection
The Irresistible Italians And The Crown Collection
L'ultima sentinella
L'ultima sentinella
Bad Luck and Trouble (Movie Tie-In): A Jack Reacher Novel: 11
Bad Luck and Trouble (Movie Tie-In): A Jack Reacher Novel: 11
No Plan B: A Jack Reacher Novel
No Plan B: A Jack Reacher Novel
Fake Dating: Undercover: Agent Undercover (Special Agents at the Altar) / Conard County Spy / Infiltration Rescue
Fake Dating: Undercover: Agent Undercover (Special Agents at the Altar) / Conard County Spy / Infiltration Rescue
No Plan B: A Jack Reacher Novel
No Plan B: A Jack Reacher Novel
De rekening
De rekening
The Sins And Seduction Tempted By The Tycoon's Collection
The Sins And Seduction Tempted By The Tycoon's Collection
The Confessions Collection
The Confessions Collection
Die Hyänen: Ein Jack-Reacher-Roman: 24
Die Hyänen: Ein Jack-Reacher-Roman: 24
The Indecent Proposals Collection
The Indecent Proposals Collection
Echo Burning: 5
Echo Burning: 5
No Plan B: The unputdownable new 2022 Jack Reacher thriller from the No.1 bestselling authors
No Plan B: The unputdownable new 2022 Jack Reacher thriller from the No.1 bestselling authors
Bad Luck And Trouble: Coming soon to Prime Video
Bad Luck And Trouble: Coming soon to Prime Video
Bad Luck And Trouble: (Jack Reacher 11)
Bad Luck And Trouble: (Jack Reacher 11)
Jack Reacher Poziom śmierci
Jack Reacher Poziom śmierci
Una ragione per morire
Una ragione per morire
Punto di non ritorno
Punto di non ritorno

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