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Alan Bennett

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Biografia Alan Bennett
Alan Bennett
Modifica bioCronologia

Alan Bennet è nato a Leeds, nello Yorkshire, Inghilterra. Ha frequentato la Modern School di Leeds
tra il 1946 e il 1952. Oxford 1954-57. Frequenta poi Cambridge e Bodmin. Diventa lettore in storia al Magdalen College a Oxford 1960-62. Ha lavorato come scrittore, attore, regista, sceneggiatore per la radio, il cinema e la televisione.

Serie televisive

1966-67 On the Margin (also writer)
1987 Fortunes of War

Speciali televisivi

1965 My Father Knew Lloyd George (also writer)
1965 Famous Gossips
1965 Plato--The Drinking Party
1966 Alice in Wonderland
1972 A Day Out (also writer)
1975 Sunset Across the Bay (also writer)
1975 A Little Outing (also writer)
1978 A Visit from Miss Prothero (writer)
1978 Me--I'm Afraid of Virginia Woolf (writer)
1978 Doris and Doreen (Green Forms) (writer)
1979 The Old Crowd (writer)
1979 Afternoon Off (writer)
1979 One Fine Day (writer)
1979 All Day On the Sands (writer)
1982 Objects of Affection (Our Winnie, A Woman of No Importance, Rolling Home, Marks, Say Something Happened, Intensive Care) (also writer)
1982 The Merry Wives of Windsor
1983 An Englishman Abroad (writer)
1986 The Insurance Man (writer)
1986 Breaking Up
1986 Man and Music (narrator)
1987 Talking Heads (A Chip in the Sugar, Bed Among the Lentils, A Lady of Letters, Her Big Chance, Soldiering On, A Cream Cracker Under the Settee) (also writer)
1987 Down Cemetery Road: The Landscape of Philip Larkin (presenter)
1988 Dinner at Noon (narrator)
1990 Poetry in Motion (presenter)
1990 102 Boulevard Haussmann (writer)
1991 A Question of Attribution (writer)
1991 Selling Hitler
1992 Poetry in Motion 2 (presenter)
1994 Portrait or Bust (presenter)
1995 The Abbey (presenter)


Long Shot, 1980; A Private Function (writer), 1984; Dreamchild (voice only), 1985; The Secret Policeman's Ball, 1986; The Secret Policeman's Other Ball, 1982; Pleasure at Her Majesty's; Prick Up Your Ears (writer), 1987; Little Dorrit, 1987; Parson's Pleasure (writer); The Madness of King George (writer), 1995.


The Great Jowett, 1980; Dragon, 1982; Uncle Clarence (writer), 1986; Better Halves (narrator), 1988; The Lady in the Van (writer, narrator), 1990; Winnie-the-Pooh (narrator).


Better Late, 1959; Beyond the Fringe (also co-writer), 1960; The Blood of the Bambergs, 1962; A Cuckoo in the Nest, 1964; Forty Years On (also writer), 1968; Sing a Rude Song (co-writer), 1969; Getting On (writer), 1971; Habeas Corpus (also writer), 1973; The Old Country (writer), 1977; Enjoy (writer), 1980; Kafka's Dick (writer), 1986; A Visit from Miss Prothero (writer), 1987; Single Spies (An Englishman Abroad and A Question of Attribution) (also writer and director), 1988; The Wind in the Willows (writer), 1990; The Madness of George III (writer), 1991; Talking Heads (A Chip in the Sugar, Bed Among the Lentils, A Lady of Letters, Her Big Chance, Soldiering On, A Cream Cracker Under the Settee) (also writer), 1992.


Beyond the Fringe(with Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller, and Dudley Moore). London: Souvenir Press, 1962, and New York: Random House, 1963.
Forty Years On. London: Faber, 1969.
Getting On. London: Faber, 1972.
Habeas Corpus. London: Faber, 1973.
The Old Country. London: Faber, 1978.
Enjoy. London: Faber, 1980.
Office Suite. London: Faber, 1981.
Objects of Affection. London: BBC Publications, 1982.
A Private Function. London: Faber, 1984.
Forty Years On; Getting On; Habeas Corpus. London: Faber, 1985.
The Writer in Disguise. London: Faber, 1985.
Prick Up Your Ears. London: Faber, 1987.
Two Kafka Plays. London: Faber, 1987.
Talking Heads. London: BBC Publications, 1988; New York: Summit, 1990.
Single Spies. London: Faber, 1989.
Single Spies and Talking Heads. New York: Summit, 1990.
The Lady in the Van, 1990.
Poetry in Motion (with others). 1990.
The Wind in the Willows. London: Faber, 1991. Forty Years On and Other Plays. London: Faber, 1991.
The Madness of George III. London: Faber, 1992. Poetry in Motion 2 (with others). 1992.
Writing Home. London: Faber, 1994.
The Madness of King George (screenplay), 1995.

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