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Ultimi libri pubblicati di Philip Kotler | Marketing Theory And Orientations
 | Globalization And International Marketing Competition
 | A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: Pressures, Conflicts, and Reconciliation
 | H2h Marketing: Case Studies on Human-to-human Marketing
 | Humanism in Marketing: Responsible Leadership and the Human-to-human Approach
 | Marketing 6.0: El Futuro Es Inmersivo/ the Future Is Immersive
 | Transformative Marketing: Combining New Age Technologies and Human Insights
 | Sosyal Pazarlama Başarıları
 | Marketing framework. Dalla teoria all'azione. Ediz. Mylab. Con Contenuto digitale per accesso on line
 | Kotler umanista. La nuova autobiografia
 | Chaotics: The Business of Managing and Marketing in the Age of Turbulence
 | An Instructor's Manual to H2h Marketing Case Studies: Teach Human-to-human Marketing Effectively
 | Il nuovo marketing imprenditoriale. Creatività , innovazione, sostenibilitÃ
 | Rivoluzione retail
 | Marketing Management
 | Redefining Retail: 10 Guiding Principles for a Post-Digital World
 | Marketing 6.0: The Future Is Immersive
 | REGENERATION: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World
 | Marketing H2H: Marketing Human to Human
 | Marketing, de essentie, 15e editie met MyLab NL
 | Perspectives in Marketing, Innovation and Strategy
 | Principles of Marketing, Global Edition + MyLab Marketing with Pearson eText
 | Marketing Places: Attracting Investment, Industry, and Tourism to Cities, States, and Nations
 | Los 10 pecados capitales del marketing
 | Marketing-Management: Konzepte-Instrumente-Unternehmensfallstudien
 | H2H Marketing: Case Studies on Human-to-Human Marketing
 | Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Good
 | Access Card -- Pearson MyLab Marketing with Pearson eText for Marketing: An Introduction, Global Edition
 | Marketing: An Introduction plus Pearson MyLab Marketing with Pearson eText, Global Edition
 | Principes de marketing + MyLab (2 ans)
 | Social media marketing
 | Entrepreneurial Marketing
 | Kellogg on Marketing
 | REVEL Access Card for Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, Global Edition
 | Principles of marketing
 | Innomarketing. Il modello ABCDE: dalla creatività, al lancio, alla gestione (Management)
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