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Sensory Tourism: Senses and SenseScapes Encompassing Tourism Destinations
Sensory Tourism: Senses and SenseScapes Encompassing Tourism Destinations
Unleashing the Power of Functional Foods and Novel Bioactives
Unleashing the Power of Functional Foods and Novel Bioactives
Giovanni's kamer
Giovanni's kamer
Een zoon van Amerika
Een zoon van Amerika
Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of Icadcml 2024 (2)
Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of Icadcml 2024 (2)
Biodegradable Polymers and Their Emerging Applications
Biodegradable Polymers and Their Emerging Applications
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Battle of Britain Target London: 7 September 1940 – 17 September 1940
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Gateway Routing Selection Schemes for Post-Disaster Recovery in Mobile AdHoc Networks
The Baltics in a Changing Europe
The Baltics in a Changing Europe
Human and Animal Microbiome Engineering
Human and Animal Microbiome Engineering
Sustainable Management of Fish Genetic Resources
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Pastoral and Anti-pastoral: Representation of City and Village in Literature
Pastoral and Anti-pastoral: Representation of City and Village in Literature
Microrriego: Potenciar la agricultura, gota a gota
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Disaster Risk, Resilient Agriculture and Livelihood: Methods and Applications
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How to Sell Anything Online
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Battle of Britain Airfields Under Attack: 19 August 1940 – 6 September 1940
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Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICADCML 2024, Volume 1: 955
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The Scientific Legacy of Har Gobind Khorana: Total Synthesis and the Genetic Code
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Decolonizing Science and Modernity in South Asia: Questioning Concepts, Constructing Histories
Decolonizing Science and Modernity in South Asia: Questioning Concepts, Constructing Histories
Global Digital Divides in the Covid-19 Era: Purposeful Use of the Internet and Technologies
Global Digital Divides in the Covid-19 Era: Purposeful Use of the Internet and Technologies
Bio Refinery of Wastewater Treatment: Way to Generate Waste to Value
Bio Refinery of Wastewater Treatment: Way to Generate Waste to Value
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Contours of South Asian Social Anthropology: Connecting India and Nepal
Contours of South Asian Social Anthropology: Connecting India and Nepal
Military History of India
Military History of India
Designing Trans-Generational Urban Communities: An Approach towards Inclusive Cities in the Indian Context
Designing Trans-Generational Urban Communities: An Approach towards Inclusive Cities in the Indian Context
Calcutta: The Stormy Decades
Calcutta: The Stormy Decades
The Sundarbans: Folk Deities, Monsters and Mortals
The Sundarbans: Folk Deities, Monsters and Mortals
Advanced Nanoscale Mosfet Architectures: Current Trends and Future Perspectives
Advanced Nanoscale Mosfet Architectures: Current Trends and Future Perspectives
The Last Great Plague of Colonial India
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Regenerative Agriculture: Translating Science to Action
Changes and Innovations in Social Systems: 505
Changes and Innovations in Social Systems: 505
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Bioactive Extraction and Application in Food and Nutraceutical Industries
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Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools
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The Films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul
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Advances in Biopolymers for Food Science and Technology
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Single Atom Catalysts: Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications in Energy
Handbook of Energy Management in Agriculture
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Environmental Turbulence
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Differential Equation Based Solutions for Emerging Real-Time Problems
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Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Ap plications, Volume 2
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Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science
Possible Knowledge: The Literary Forms of Early Modern Science
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L'image réaliste des femmes indiennes: Romancières indiennes anglophones - Shashi Deshpande
Metamaterial and Frequency Selective Surface Assisted Antenna Design: From fundamentals to novel design approaches
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Something Blue
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La imagen realista de la mujer india: Novelistas inglesas indias: Shashi Deshpande
La imagen realista de la mujer india: Novelistas inglesas indias: Shashi Deshpande
Das realistische Bild der indischen Frau: Indische englische Romanautorinnen - Shashi Deshpande
Das realistische Bild der indischen Frau: Indische englische Romanautorinnen - Shashi Deshpande
L'immagine realistica delle donne indiane: Romanziere indiane di lingua inglese - Shashi Deshpande
L'immagine realistica delle donne indiane: Romanziere indiane di lingua inglese - Shashi Deshpande
Branding Berlin: From Division to the Cultural Capital of Europe
Branding Berlin: From Division to the Cultural Capital of Europe
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Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2022: 23rd International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kolkata, India, December 11-14, 2022, Proceedings: 13774
Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2022: 23rd International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kolkata, India, December 11-14, 2022, Proceedings
Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2022: 23rd International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kolkata, India, December 11-14, 2022, Proceedings
Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides
Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides
Battle of Britain The Gathering Storm: Prelude to the Spitfire Summer of 1940
Battle of Britain The Gathering Storm: Prelude to the Spitfire Summer of 1940
Fluids Under Control: The 2021 Prague-Sum Workshop Lectures
Fluids Under Control: The 2021 Prague-Sum Workshop Lectures
Processing of Biomass Waste: Technological Upgradation and Advancement
Processing of Biomass Waste: Technological Upgradation and Advancement
Norm Diffusion Beyond the West: Agents and Sources of Leverage
Norm Diffusion Beyond the West: Agents and Sources of Leverage
Urban Commons, Future Smart Cities and Sustainability
Urban Commons, Future Smart Cities and Sustainability
The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles: Studio Access Card
The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles: Studio Access Card
Customer Behaviour in eCommerce: Case Studies from the Online Grocery Market
Customer Behaviour in eCommerce: Case Studies from the Online Grocery Market
Fundamental Design of Steelmaking Refractories
Fundamental Design of Steelmaking Refractories
Refractory Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
Refractory Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
Sports Management in an Uncertain Environment
Sports Management in an Uncertain Environment
Recent Frontiers of Phytochemicals: Applications in Food, Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Biotechnology
Recent Frontiers of Phytochemicals: Applications in Food, Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Biotechnology
50 Masterpieces of Fin de Siècle Art: From the Collections of The Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen
50 Masterpieces of Fin de Siècle Art: From the Collections of The Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Something Blue
Something Blue
Faces of the Few: The Battle for Survival in the Summer of 1940
Faces of the Few: The Battle for Survival in the Summer of 1940
You Are More Than You Think You Are: Practical Enlightenment for Everyday Life
You Are More Than You Think You Are: Practical Enlightenment for Everyday Life
Nanoelectronics: Physics, Materials and Devices
Nanoelectronics: Physics, Materials and Devices
Spatial Business: Competing and Leading With Location Analytics
Spatial Business: Competing and Leading With Location Analytics
Training Data for Machine Learning: Human Supervision from Annotation to Data Science
Training Data for Machine Learning: Human Supervision from Annotation to Data Science
Computational Intelligence Applications for Text and Sentiment Data Analysis
Computational Intelligence Applications for Text and Sentiment Data Analysis
J.j. Pizzuto's Fabric Science
J.j. Pizzuto's Fabric Science
J.j. Pizzuto's Fabric Science Swatch Kit
J.j. Pizzuto's Fabric Science Swatch Kit
The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles
The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Textiles
Johnnie Johnson's Great Adventure: The Spitfire Ace of Ace's Last Look Back
Johnnie Johnson's Great Adventure: The Spitfire Ace of Ace's Last Look Back
Battle of Britain 1940: The Finest Hour's Human Cost
Battle of Britain 1940: The Finest Hour's Human Cost

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