Biografia John Galsworthy |
John Galsworthy nacque a Coombe [Surrey] nel 1867 .
Studiò ad Harrow e legge al New College di Oxford. Viaggiò molto ed all'età di 28 anni cominciò a scrivere, all'inizio solo per il proprio divertimento.
Scrisse numerosi romanzi, tra cui popolarissimi quelli del ciclo La saga dei Forsyte (The Forsyte sa ga, 1906-1921), cui seguì la serie Una commedia moderna (A modern comedy, 1924-1928). In essi Galsworthy ritrae l'alta borghesia inglese vittoriana, dapprima criticandone l'avidità mercantile, poi rimpiangendone la solidità di princìpi. Anche nei drammi Lot ta (Strife, 1909) e Lealtà (Loyalties, 1922) svolse una moderata polemica contro le ingiustizie sociali. Nel 1932 vinse il nobel.
Le motivazioni del premio nobel: "Per la sua distinta arte della narrazione che prende le sue più alte forme nella saga "The Forsyte".
Galsworthy morì a Hampstead (Londra) nel 1933.
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Ultimi libri pubblicati di John Galsworthy | Captures
| Tatterdemalion
| Loyalties
| The Forsyte Saga: Volume III.Awakening To Let
| Saga rodu Forsyte'ów (1)
| The Forsyte Saga: The Man of Property, Indian Summer of a Forsyte, In Chancery, Awakening, To Let
| The Silver Box: A Comedy in Three Acts
| La saga dei Forsyte (Vol. 2)
| Fifth Series Plays Of Galsworthy A Family Man
| End of the Chapter: Over the River (Esprios Classics)
| A Modern Comedy: Swan Song (Esprios Classics)
| Fraternity: in large print
| Studies and Essays: Censorship and Art: in large print
| Studies and Essays: The Inn of Tranquility, and Others: in large print
| The Burning Spear; Being the Experiences of Mr. John Lavender in the Time of War: in large print
| Windows
| Windows; In Three Acts: Fifth Series Plays - in large print
| Plays in The First Series; The Silver Box, Joy: A Play on the Letter "I", Strife: in large print
| Plays in The Second Series; The Eldest Son, The Little Dream, Justice: in large print
| Plays in The ¿hird Series; The Fugitive, The Pigeon, The Mob: in large print
| Plays in The Fourth Series; A Bit O' Love, The Foundations, The Skin Game: in large print
| Plays in The Sixth Series; The First and The Last, The Little Man, Hall-marked, Defeat, The Sun, Punch and Go: in large print
| To Let: in large print
| The Little Man: A Farcical Morality in Three Scenes
| The Little Dream: An Allegory in Six Scenes
| Villa Rubein
| Awakening: And Indian Summer of a Forstye
| To Let: in large print
| Plays in The First Series; The Silver Box, Joy: A Play on the Letter "I", Strife: in large print
| Plays in The Second Series; The Eldest Son, The Little Dream, Justice: in large print
| Plays in The ¿hird Series; The Fugitive, The Pigeon, The Mob: in large print
| Plays in The Fourth Series; A Bit O' Love, The Foundations, The Skin Game: in large print
| Plays in The Fifth Series; A Family Man, Loyalties, Windows: in large print
| Plays in The Fifth Series; A Family Man, Loyalties, Windows: in large print
| Plays in The Sixth Series; The First and The Last, The Little Man, Hall-marked, Defeat, The Sun, Punch and Go: in large print
| A Family Man; In Three Acts: Fifth Series Plays - in large print
| Loyalties; In Three Acts: Fifth Series Plays - in large print
| Windows; In Three Acts: Fifth Series Plays - in large print
| Justice: A Tragedy in Four Acts
| La saga dei Forsyte (Vol. 1)
| The Top 10 Short Stories - The 20th Century - The English: The top 10 short stories written in the 20th Century by English authors
| End of the Chapter: Maid in Waiting (Esprios Classics)
| To Let (Esprios Classics)
| A Modern Comedy (Esprios Classics)
| On Forsyte 'Change (Esprios Classics)
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