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Progresses in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems
Carla Di Francesco Libri
 This book provides an overview of the current advances in artificial intelligence and neural nets. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have shown great capabilities in modelling, prediction and recognition tasks supporting human?machine interaction. At the same time, the issue of emotion has gained increasing attention due to its relevance in achieving human-like interaction with machines. The real challenge is taking advantage of the emotional characterization of humans? interactions to make computers interfacing with them emotionally and socially credible. The book assesses how and to what extent current sophisticated computational intelligence tools might support the multidisciplinary research on the characterization of appropriate system reactions to human emotions and expressions in interactive scenarios. Discussing the latest recent research trends, innovative approaches and future challenges in AI from interdisciplinary perspectives, it is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry. |
| Editore: | : pagine | Data di pubblicazione:-- | Lingua: | Prezzo di copertina: EUR | Risparmio: |
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