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The Historical Archaeology of Shadow and Intimate Economies
James Fogle Libri
Emphasizing the important social relationships that form among people who participate in small-scale economic transactions, contributors to this volume explore often-overlooked networks of intimate and shadow economiesterms used to describe trade that takes place outside formal market systems.Case studies from a variety of historical contexts around the world reveal the ways such transactions created community and identity, subverted class and power relations, and helped people adapt to new social realities. In Maine, woven baskets sold by Native American artisans to Euroamerican consumers supported Native strategies for cultural survival and agency. Alcohol exchanged by Scandinavian merchants for furs and skins enabled their indigenous trading partners to expand social webs that contested colonialism. Moonshine production in Appalachia was an integral part of economic exchanges in isolated mountain communities. Caribbean and American plantations contain evidence of interactions, exchanges, and attachments between enslaved communities and poor whites that defied established racial boundaries.From brothel workers in Boston to seal hunters in Antarctica, the examples in this volume show how historical archaeologists can use the concept of intimate economies to uncover deeply meaningful connections that exist beyond the traditional framework of global capitalism.Contributors: James A. Nyman | Mary C. Beaudry | Eleanor Conlin Casella | Jimena Cruz | Kevin R. Fogle | Kirk French | Heather Gibson | Marika Hyttinen | Titta Kallio-Sepp | Kenneth G. Kelly | Markku Kuorilehto | Ritva Kylli | Sami Lakomki | Diana DiPaolo | Jade Luiz | Allison Manfra | Paul R. Mullins | Matthew C. Reilly | Melisa A. Salerno | Beverly A. Straube | Timo Ylimaunu | Andrs Zarankin |
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