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Getting to the Heart of Conflict: A Framework for Constructive Conflict Engagement
Bernardo Bernardi Libri
 This book discusses the challenges we all face in getting to the heart of conflict and responding appropriately. Based on 40 years of experience as a conflict intervener, researcher, and teacher, this book will distill the essence of the most important challenges we face when dealing with serious conflict—whether in our own lives, in our professional work or as citizens of the world. The premise underlying this effort is that disputants and interveners alike are drawn to focus on the superficial manifestations of conflict rather than on its essence. Over time this response does not move us forward and often leads to the perpetuation of conflict. This is a particularly important challenge in our divided and increasingly polarized political culture and a sub theme of this book will address how the tools of conflict analysis and intervention can be used to address our cultural and political differences. This book discusses seven main challenges and presents practical approaches for dealing with them, illustrated with real-life examples. This book does not just call for a deeper and more comprehensive approach to conflict but presents a clear and usable framework for doing so. |
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