Includes all the songs and sketches from three books published previously: - Brexit's a Trick not a Treat? - Brexit's a Musical Trick (not a Treat), including the full Brexit Musical reusing every major tune from "Les Misrables" - I Don't Beg Pardon (I'm Talking B*ll*cks from the Rose Garden) - including the 5-Act Covid Musical together with song lyrics and sketches entitled "Send in the Clowns" - some reflections on the UK in 2021 from Lord Toritori. Mr Curtis Lee-Smugg and others, the Brexit Impact Scale, "Boris Bonka and the Variant Factory", "World King Boris and the Quest for the Sacred Benefits of Brexit" and a few further songs including "I'm B16, B1617","Sitting in what's left of UK", "Twelve Stars on the Flag (UK's Coming Home)" . All profits from the sale of Viewdelta books are sent to charities, currently the Covid appeal from the Disasters Emergency Committee. |