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William Beckford

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Biografia William Beckford
William Beckford
Modifica bioCronologia

William Thomas Beckford, (Fonthill, 1 ottobre 1760 - Bath, 2 maggio 1844) č uno scrittore, critico d'arte, scrittore di viaggi e uomo politico inglese. Cresciuto tra le piů grandi agiatezze (era figlio del sindaco di Londra), la carriera politica gli fu preclusa a causa degli scandali omosessuali in cui fu coinvolto, che lo costrinsero anche a continui viaggi per l'Europa per evitare una incriminazione formale. Il suo racconto piů importante, Vathek, fu scritto in lingua francese - della cui letteratura č una pietra miliare - ed č un importante anello di congiunzione tra la letteratura illuministica e le esperienze preromantiche.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
William Beckford
Le Vathek de Beckford: Vathek, conte arabe
Le Vathek de Beckford: Vathek, conte arabe
The Hamilton Palace Libraries. Catalogue of the Third Portion. The Beckford Library, Removed from Hamilton Palace
The Hamilton Palace Libraries. Catalogue of the Third Portion. The Beckford Library, Removed from Hamilton Palace
Vathek; An Arabian Tale
Vathek; An Arabian Tale
Dreams, Waking Thoughts and Incidents; In a series of Letters from Several Parts of Europe: in large print
Dreams, Waking Thoughts and Incidents; In a series of Letters from Several Parts of Europe: in large print
The Child's Crusade
The Child's Crusade
Memoirs: Vol. II
Memoirs: Vol. II
A Catalogue Of The Costly And Interesting Effects Of Fonthill Abbey, Parts 1-6
A Catalogue Of The Costly And Interesting Effects Of Fonthill Abbey, Parts 1-6
Vathek: Die Geschichte des Kalifen Vathek: Eine arabische Erzählung
Vathek: Die Geschichte des Kalifen Vathek: Eine arabische Erzählung
A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica
A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica
Memoirs of William Beckford: Vol. I
Memoirs of William Beckford: Vol. I
Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha, by the Author of 'vathek'
Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha, by the Author of 'vathek'
Italy, Spain, and Portugal: With an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha
Italy, Spain, and Portugal: With an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha
Italy; With Sketches of Spain and Portugal
Italy; With Sketches of Spain and Portugal
The History of the Caliph Vathek / by William Beckford
The History of the Caliph Vathek / by William Beckford
The Hamilton Palace Libraries. Catalogue of ... the Beckford Library, Removed From Hamilton Palace ... Sold by Auction by Mssrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge: Vol 3-4
The Hamilton Palace Libraries. Catalogue of ... the Beckford Library, Removed From Hamilton Palace ... Sold by Auction by Mssrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge: Vol 3-4
Vathek. Réimprimé sur l'original français, avec la préf. de Stéphane Mallarmé
Vathek. Réimprimé sur l'original français, avec la préf. de Stéphane Mallarmé
The Hamilton Palace Libraries; Catalogue of the Third Portion of the Beckford Library, Removed From Hamilton Palace: Which Will Be Sold by Auction by ... Property and Works Illustrative of the Fine
The Hamilton Palace Libraries; Catalogue of the Third Portion of the Beckford Library, Removed From Hamilton Palace: Which Will Be Sold by Auction by ... Property and Works Illustrative of the Fine
Leading Business Men of Bangor, Rockland and Vicinity: Embracing Ellsworth, Bucksport, Belfast, Camden, Rockport, Thomaston, Oldtown, Orono, Brewer (Classic Reprint)
Leading Business Men of Bangor, Rockland and Vicinity: Embracing Ellsworth, Bucksport, Belfast, Camden, Rockport, Thomaston, Oldtown, Orono, Brewer (Classic Reprint)
Beckford, W: Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters
Beckford, W: Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters
Beckford, W: Italy; With Sketches of Spain and Portugal, Vol [Lingua Inglese]
Beckford, W: Italy; With Sketches of Spain and Portugal, Vol [Lingua Inglese]
The Episodes of Vathek (Classic Reprint)
The Episodes of Vathek (Classic Reprint)
The Child's Crusade (Classic Reprint)
The Child's Crusade (Classic Reprint)
A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica, Vol. 1 of 2: With Remarks Upon the Cultivation of the Sugar-Cane, Throughout the Different Seasons of ... a Picturesque Point of View (Classic Reprint)
A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica, Vol. 1 of 2: With Remarks Upon the Cultivation of the Sugar-Cane, Throughout the Different Seasons of ... a Picturesque Point of View (Classic Reprint)
Leading Businessmen of New Haven (Classic Reprint)
Leading Businessmen of New Haven (Classic Reprint)
Italy; With sketches of Spain and Portugal
Italy; With sketches of Spain and Portugal
Memoirs of William Beckford: Vol. I
Memoirs of William Beckford: Vol. I
Träume, Gedankenspiele und Begebenheiten: Eine empfindsame Reise: 454
Träume, Gedankenspiele und Begebenheiten: Eine empfindsame Reise: 454

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