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Robert W. Chambers

Robert W. Chambers biografia





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Biografia Robert W. Chambers
Robert W. Chambers
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Robert William Chambers (26 maggio 1865 - 16 dicembre 1933) fu uno scrittore ed artista americano. Nacque a Brooklyn, New York, dall'avvocato William P. Chambers e da Caroline Chambers, diretta discendente del Roger Williams che fondò Providence. Il fratello di Robert, Walter Boughton Chambers, era un famoso architetto. Robert entrò a far parte della Art Students' League quando aveva vent'anni e conobbe l'artista Charles Dana Gibson. Studiò a Parigi alla École des Beaux-Arts e all' Académie Julian dal 1886 al 1893, e le sue prime opere furono esposte al Salon del 1889. Al suo ritorno a New York, divenne illustratore per le riviste Life, Truth e Vogue; successivamente, per motivi non accertati, decise di rivolgere la propria attenzione alla scrittura e produsse il suo primo romanzo, In the Quarter. La sua opera letteraria più famosa, tuttavia, è senza dubbio The King in Yellow, un'antologia di racconti brevi legati al tema di un terribile libro, cui si fa riferimento nel titolo, che porta alla pazzia coloro che lo leggono. Questa tematica verrà ripresa da Howard Phillips Lovecraft per il suo Necronomicon.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Robert W. Chambers
The King in Yellow (Illustrated)
The King in Yellow (Illustrated)
The Firing Line
The Firing Line
The Fighting Chance
The Fighting Chance
Between Friends
Between Friends
The King in Yellow: Annotated
The King in Yellow: Annotated
The Younger Set
The Younger Set
The Crimson Tide (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by A. I. Keller
The Crimson Tide (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by A. I. Keller
Blue-Bird Weather (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson
Blue-Bird Weather (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson
Between Friends: in large print
Between Friends: in large print
Iole (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by Arthur C. Becker
Iole (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by Arthur C. Becker
In Search of the Unknown
In Search of the Unknown
Between Friends
Between Friends
Eris: in large print
Eris: in large print
Die Jungfrauen des Paradieses
Die Jungfrauen des Paradieses
Les servantes du paradis
Les servantes du paradis
The King in Yellow: Occult & Supernatural Tales
The King in Yellow: Occult & Supernatural Tales
The Business of Life
The Business of Life
Il re in giallo
Il re in giallo
The Green Mouse
The Green Mouse
Ailsa Paige: A Novel
Ailsa Paige: A Novel
The Yellow Sign and Other Stories
The Yellow Sign and Other Stories
Eris: in large print
Eris: in large print
In the Quarter: in large print
In the Quarter: in large print
The Fighting Chance: in large print
The Fighting Chance: in large print
The Moonlit Way: A Novel
The Moonlit Way: A Novel
The Flaming Jewel
The Flaming Jewel
The Business of Life
The Business of Life
The Little Red Foot
The Little Red Foot
The Top 10 Short Stories - The 19th Century - The American Men: The top 10 short stories written in the 19th Century by American male authors
The Top 10 Short Stories - The 19th Century - The American Men: The top 10 short stories written in the 19th Century by American male authors
The Top 10 Short Stories - The 1890's: The top 10 short stories written from 1890 - 1899
The Top 10 Short Stories - The 1890's: The top 10 short stories written from 1890 - 1899
The Top 10 Short Stories - The 1890's - The Americans: The top 10 short stories written from 1890 - 1899 by American authors
The Top 10 Short Stories - The 1890's - The Americans: The top 10 short stories written from 1890 - 1899 by American authors
In the Quarter
In the Quarter
The Tree of Heaven
The Tree of Heaven
The Laughing Girl
The Laughing Girl
The Girl Philippa
The Girl Philippa
The Hidden Children: in large print
The Hidden Children: in large print
W mroku i strachu
W mroku i strachu
In Secret: in large print
In Secret: in large print
The Hidden Children: in large print
The Hidden Children: in large print
Il creatore di lune
Il creatore di lune
The Hidden Children
The Hidden Children
The Flaming Jewel (Classic Reprint)
The Flaming Jewel (Classic Reprint)
Ashes of Empire a Romance (Classic Reprint)
Ashes of Empire a Romance (Classic Reprint)
Smith's Battery (Classic Reprint)
Smith's Battery (Classic Reprint)
The Girl Philippa (Classic Reprint)
The Girl Philippa (Classic Reprint)
The Laughing Girl: The French Revolution Reflected in English Literature
The Laughing Girl: The French Revolution Reflected in English Literature

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