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Paul Hoffman

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Biografia Paul Hoffman
Paul Hoffman
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Paul Hoffman, statunitense, attualmente lavora come publisher dell'Encyclopedia Brutannica e come corrispondente per le questioni scientifiche per la TV pubblica americana PBS. In passato è stato caporedattore per la rivista "Discover". Ha pubblicato diversi saggi tra i quali L'uomo che amava solo i numeri (Mondadori).

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Paul Hoffman
No Matter What, I Love You
No Matter What, I Love You
The de Soto Chronicles Vol 1: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543 Volume 1
The de Soto Chronicles Vol 1: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543 Volume 1
The de Soto Chronicles Vol 2: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543 Volume 2
The de Soto Chronicles Vol 2: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543 Volume 2
Oh, What a Jam!
Oh, What a Jam!
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Architecture: 1
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Architecture: 1
Come, Emmanuel: Devotions for Advent 2023-2024
Come, Emmanuel: Devotions for Advent 2023-2024
The Day God Came
The Day God Came
Spooky South: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Spooky South: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Art: 2
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Art: 2
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Art (Coloring book): 2
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Art (Coloring book): 2
Tales from the Crypt of an American Working Class Hero
Tales from the Crypt of an American Working Class Hero
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Architecture: 1
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Architecture: 1
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Architecture (coloring book): 1
Cleo and Roger Discover Columbus, Indiana - Architecture (coloring book): 1
CliffsNotes United States History II: Quick Review
CliffsNotes United States History II: Quick Review
CliffsNotes American Government: Quick Review
CliffsNotes American Government: Quick Review
O Diabo Branco
O Diabo Branco
Dairy Hollow House Soup & Bread: A Country Inn Cookbook
Dairy Hollow House Soup & Bread: A Country Inn Cookbook
Secret Service Journals: Assassination and Redemption in 1960s Detroit
Secret Service Journals: Assassination and Redemption in 1960s Detroit
I Llama Ewe
I Llama Ewe
Secret Service Journals: Assassination and Redemption in 1960s Detroit
Secret Service Journals: Assassination and Redemption in 1960s Detroit
Fire Science: From Chemistry to Landscape Management
Fire Science: From Chemistry to Landscape Management
Preaching to a Divided Nation: A Seven-step Model for Promoting Reconciliation and Unity
Preaching to a Divided Nation: A Seven-step Model for Promoting Reconciliation and Unity
One Crazy Connection
One Crazy Connection
Cooling Down: Local Responses to Global Climate Change
Cooling Down: Local Responses to Global Climate Change
Kara's Dreams
Kara's Dreams
Il diavolo bianco
Il diavolo bianco
The White Devil: 4
The White Devil: 4
Spooky Christmas: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Spooky Christmas: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Spooky Virginia: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Spooky Virginia: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Introduction to Political Theory
Introduction to Political Theory
Spooky North Carolina: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
Spooky North Carolina: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore
La mano sinistra di Dio
La mano sinistra di Dio
Il battito delle sue ali
Il battito delle sue ali
Le quattro cose ultime
Le quattro cose ultime
Seen from a Distance
Seen from a Distance

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