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Lafcadio Hearn

Lafcadio Hearn biografia





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Biografia Lafcadio Hearn
Lafcadio Hearn
Modifica bioCronologia

Hearn č nato nell'isola greca di Lefkas il 27 giugno del 1850, figlio di un chirurgo dell'esercito britannico e da una madre greca.
I suoi genitori divorziarono quando aveva sei anni e venne cresciuto da uno zio a Dublino in Irlanda. Perse la vista all'occhio sinistro all'etŕ di 16 anni e poco dopo morě suo padre.
Un anno dopo, dopo la bancarotta di suo zio, dovette ritirarsi da scuola. All'etŕ di 19 anni si trasferě a Cincinnati in Ohio, dove visse per cinque anni come giornalista.
Nel 1877 andň a New Orleans per scrivere una serie di articoli e vi rimase per dieci anni.
Raggiunse un certo successo con delle traduzioni letterarie ed altri lavori.
Venne assunto dalla Harper Publishing Co. e venne assegnato alla indie occidentali e scrisse due romanzi in quel periodo.

Nel 1889 decise di andare in Giappone.
Insegnň inglese alla prefettura di Shimane.
Si sposň con Setsu Koizumi, la figlia della famiglia locale di samurai.

Rimase 15 mesi a Matsue, per poi diventare insegnante alle scuole medie a Kunamoto, Kyushu, dove rimase per tre anni e completň il libro Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (1894)
Con l'aiuto di Chamberlain, cominciň ad insegnare letteratura inglese all'universitŕ imperiale di Tokyo, un posto che mantenne fino al 1903 e all'universitŕ di Waseda.

Morě il 26 settembre del 1904 per un attacco di cuore all'etŕ di 54 anni.

A cura di BeatBlue.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Lafcadio Hearn
Letters From the Raven
Letters From the Raven
The Romance of the Milky Way, and Other Studies & Stories /by Lafcadio Hearn
The Romance of the Milky Way, and Other Studies & Stories /by Lafcadio Hearn
Storie giapponesi di paura. Yokai, yurei, obake e altre creature spaventose
Storie giapponesi di paura. Yokai, yurei, obake e altre creature spaventose
Books and Habits: From the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
Books and Habits: From the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan
Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan
The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn
The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
Chita: in large print
Chita: in large print
Some Chinese Ghosts
Some Chinese Ghosts
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan; Second Series: in large print
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan; Second Series: in large print
Dans la grotte des fantĂ´mes d'enfants et autres textes sur le vieux Japon
Dans la grotte des fantĂ´mes d'enfants et autres textes sur le vieux Japon
Fantaisies créoles suivi de Rêveries floridiennes
Fantaisies créoles suivi de Rêveries floridiennes
A Japanese Miscellany
A Japanese Miscellany
In Ghostly Japan: Japanese Legends of Ghosts, Yokai, Yurei, and Other Oddities
In Ghostly Japan: Japanese Legends of Ghosts, Yokai, Yurei, and Other Oddities
Relatos lejanos: Historias reconstruidas a partir de Anvari-Soheïli, Baitál, Pachísí, Mahabharata, Pantcha-Tantra, Gulistán, Talmud, Kalewala, etc.
Relatos lejanos: Historias reconstruidas a partir de Anvari-Soheïli, Baitál, Pachísí, Mahabharata, Pantcha-Tantra, Gulistán, Talmud, Kalewala, etc.
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
Kyūshū: Träume und Studien aus dem neuen Japan
Kyūshū: Träume und Studien aus dem neuen Japan
Ma première journée en Orient/Kizuki le sanctuaire le plus ancien du Japon
Ma première journée en Orient/Kizuki le sanctuaire le plus ancien du Japon
Supernatural Tales from Japan: Haunting Japanese Tales of Ghosts, Goblins, Demons and Magic
Supernatural Tales from Japan: Haunting Japanese Tales of Ghosts, Goblins, Demons and Magic
The Romance of the Milkyway and Other Studies
The Romance of the Milkyway and Other Studies
On Reading in Relation to Literature
On Reading in Relation to Literature
Koizumi Yakumo zenshu. Bekkan: Supplement
Koizumi Yakumo zenshu. Bekkan: Supplement
Koizumi Yakumo zenshu: 4
Koizumi Yakumo zenshu: 4
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 12
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 12
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 8
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 8
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 9
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 9
Le Japon. Traduit de l'anglais (Éd.1914)
Le Japon. Traduit de l'anglais (Éd.1914)
Some Chinese Ghosts
Some Chinese Ghosts
The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 1
The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn; Volume 1
Chin Chin Kobakama
Chin Chin Kobakama
Japanese Fairy Tale Series Volume Ser.1, no.9
Japanese Fairy Tale Series Volume Ser.1, no.9
Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist: Early Writings
Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist: Early Writings
Phantasien: Der Geisterkuß + Der Karfunkel des Teufels + Die Pest + Tote Liebe + Ein phantastischer Kuss + Der Vogel und das Mädchen + Seelenwanderung + Der Unsterbliche + Der Fremde
Phantasien: Der Geisterkuß + Der Karfunkel des Teufels + Die Pest + Tote Liebe + Ein phantastischer Kuss + Der Vogel und das Mädchen + Seelenwanderung + Der Unsterbliche + Der Fremde
Letters from the Raven: Correspondence of L. Hearn with Henry Watkin
Letters from the Raven: Correspondence of L. Hearn with Henry Watkin
Voodoolar Arasında
Voodoolar Arasında
Storie giapponesi di paura. Yokai, yurei, obake e altre creature spaventose
Storie giapponesi di paura. Yokai, yurei, obake e altre creature spaventose
The Romance of the Milky Way, and Other Studies & Stories
The Romance of the Milky Way, and Other Studies & Stories
CLARIMONDE: Die Vampirin
CLARIMONDE: Die Vampirin
La légende du Nukekubi - Un pop-up manga d'exception
La légende du Nukekubi - Un pop-up manga d'exception
La Cuisine Creole: A Collection of Culinary Recipes From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine
La Cuisine Creole: A Collection of Culinary Recipes From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
Gombo Zhebes; Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs
Gombo Zhebes; Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs
Kokoro: Japanese Inner Life Hints
Kokoro: Japanese Inner Life Hints
The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn
The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn
Japanese Fairy Tales
Japanese Fairy Tales
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth
In Ghostly Japan and Other Stories
In Ghostly Japan and Other Stories
Exotics and Retrospectives
Exotics and Retrospectives
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan; Volume 2
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan; Volume 2
Appreciations of Poetry
Appreciations of Poetry
La leggenda di Nukekubi. Manga pop-up. Ediz. deluxe
La leggenda di Nukekubi. Manga pop-up. Ediz. deluxe
Kwaidan: Demony japońskiego folkloru
Kwaidan: Demony japońskiego folkloru
Japanese Ghost Stories
Japanese Ghost Stories
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation: in large print
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation: in large print
Some Chinese Ghosts
Some Chinese Ghosts
Stray Leaves From Strange Literature
Stray Leaves From Strange Literature
Kyushu: Träume Und Studien Aus Dem Neuen Japan
Kyushu: Träume Und Studien Aus Dem Neuen Japan
Youma: The Story of a West-Indian Slave
Youma: The Story of a West-Indian Slave
Life And Literature
Life And Literature
Kotto: Being Japanese Curios, With Sundry Cobwebs
Kotto: Being Japanese Curios, With Sundry Cobwebs
Japanese Lyrics
Japanese Lyrics
Das Japanbuch, eine auswahl aus Lafcadio Hearn werken
Das Japanbuch, eine auswahl aus Lafcadio Hearn werken
Izumo, Blicke In Das Unbekannte Japan. Einzig Autorisierte Ăśbersetzung Aus Dem Englischen
Izumo, Blicke In Das Unbekannte Japan. Einzig Autorisierte Ăśbersetzung Aus Dem Englischen
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation: in large print
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation: in large print
Spigolature nei campi di Buddha. Giappone, cultura e spiritualitĂ 
Spigolature nei campi di Buddha. Giappone, cultura e spiritualitĂ 
Chita: in large print
Chita: in large print
Chita: A Memory of Last Island
Chita: A Memory of Last Island
Lettres japonaises, 1890-1893
Lettres japonaises, 1890-1893
Collected Bodhi Leaves Volume IV: Numbers 91 to 121
Collected Bodhi Leaves Volume IV: Numbers 91 to 121
Femmes du Japon – Puissance et secrets
Femmes du Japon – Puissance et secrets
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
Glimpses Of Unfamiliar Japan- Volume 1
Glimpses Of Unfamiliar Japan- Volume 1
Out of the East.: Reveries and Studies in New Japan
Out of the East.: Reveries and Studies in New Japan
Manga. Storie di yokai. Racconti di spiriti giapponesi
Manga. Storie di yokai. Racconti di spiriti giapponesi
Lotos: Blicke in Das Unbekannte Japan (Classic Reprint)
Lotos: Blicke in Das Unbekannte Japan (Classic Reprint)
Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life (Classic Reprint)
Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life (Classic Reprint)
Hearn, L: Letters From the Raven
Hearn, L: Letters From the Raven
Hearn, L: Some Chinese Ghosts (Classic Reprint)
Hearn, L: Some Chinese Ghosts (Classic Reprint)
Gleanings in Buddha-Fields, Studies of Hand and Soul, in the Far East (Classic Reprint)
Gleanings in Buddha-Fields, Studies of Hand and Soul, in the Far East (Classic Reprint)
Shadowings (Classic Reprint)
Shadowings (Classic Reprint)
Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan (Classic Reprint)
Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan (Classic Reprint)
Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn (Classic Reprint)
Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn (Classic Reprint)
Hearn, L: Karma (Classic Reprint)
Hearn, L: Karma (Classic Reprint)
Books and Habits: From the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn (Classic Reprint)
Books and Habits: From the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn (Classic Reprint)
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn, Vol. 13 of 16 (Classic Reprint)
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn, Vol. 13 of 16 (Classic Reprint)
THE KWAIDAN COLLECTION: An Illuminated Edition
THE KWAIDAN COLLECTION: An Illuminated Edition
KWAIDAN: Stories And Studies Of Strange Things
KWAIDAN: Stories And Studies Of Strange Things
One of Cleopatra's Nights
One of Cleopatra's Nights
Kokoro: Au cœur de la vie japonaise
Kokoro: Au cœur de la vie japonaise
Lafcadio Hearn's Japan: Stories and Essays from Japan's Most Famous Foreign Observer
Lafcadio Hearn's Japan: Stories and Essays from Japan's Most Famous Foreign Observer
KwaĂŻdan: Histoires et Ă©tudes des choses
KwaĂŻdan: Histoires et Ă©tudes des choses
Gombo Zhèbes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs
Gombo Zhèbes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs
Japanese Fairy Tales
Japanese Fairy Tales
Books And Habits: From The Lectures Of Lafcadio Hearn Selected And Edited With An Introduction By John Erskine
Books And Habits: From The Lectures Of Lafcadio Hearn Selected And Edited With An Introduction By John Erskine
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation
Fantomes japonais
Fantomes japonais
La festa dei morti e altri racconti giapponesi di magia
La festa dei morti e altri racconti giapponesi di magia
Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life
Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life
La Lumière vient de l’Orient: Essais de psychologie japonaise
La Lumière vient de l’Orient: Essais de psychologie japonaise
Selected Ghost Stories from Kwaidan
Selected Ghost Stories from Kwaidan
In Ghostly Japan: Horror Stories & Supernatural Tales
In Ghostly Japan: Horror Stories & Supernatural Tales
Kami et Torii - Esprits, fantĂ´mes et sagesse du Japon
Kami et Torii - Esprits, fantĂ´mes et sagesse du Japon
Selected Ghost Stories from Kwaidan
Selected Ghost Stories from Kwaidan
Fiabe giapponesi
Fiabe giapponesi
Of Ghosts and Goblins
Of Ghosts and Goblins
Il mio primo giorno in Giappone
Il mio primo giorno in Giappone
Der Junge, der Katzen malte - The Boy who drew Cats / Kamishibai
Der Junge, der Katzen malte - The Boy who drew Cats / Kamishibai
Yokai - FantĂ´mes du Japon: Vertiges et enchantements - Volume 2
Yokai - FantĂ´mes du Japon: Vertiges et enchantements - Volume 2
Chita: A Memory of Last Island
Chita: A Memory of Last Island
Kokoro: An Enduring Portrait of Japanese Inner Life
Kokoro: An Enduring Portrait of Japanese Inner Life
Yuki-Onna and Other Stories
Yuki-Onna and Other Stories
Kwaidan: Terrifying Japanese Tales of Yokai, Ghosts, and Demons
Kwaidan: Terrifying Japanese Tales of Yokai, Ghosts, and Demons

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