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Jwing-ming Yang

Jwing-ming Yang biografia





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Biografia Jwing-ming Yang
Jwing-ming Yang
Modifica bioCronologia

Il Maestro Yang Jwing-Ming è nato a Taiwan nel 1946. Studia sin da giovane lo stile della Gru Bianca con il Maestro Cheng Ging Sao, con il quale cominciò anche una ricerca approfondita sulle tecniche di controllo di questo stile (Qin Na) e sulle proprietà delle piante medicinali. Intraprese parallelamente lo studio del Taijiquan (stile Yang) con il Maestro Kao Tao ed in seguito con altri Maestri a Taipei. Nel 1964 iniziò lo studio del Chang Quan tradizionale (Shaolin del Nord) con il Maestro Li Mao Ching, diventandone l'assistente istruttore. Nel 1964 il Maestro Yang Jwing-Ming si trasferì negli Stati Uniti per finire i suoi studi ed ottenere un dottorato in Scienze Meccaniche. Egli continuò parallelamente ad insegnare Shaolin e Taiji. Poco a poco il suo lavoro di insegnante e di scrittore (circa 20 libri pubblicati) e la creazione di un centro studi dedito alla diffusione delle pratiche marziali e della salute lo hanno obbligato ad abbandonare il suo mestiere di ingegnere. E' presidente della Yang's Martial Arts Association (YMAA) di Boston (Ma), associazione che conta sedi in 13 Paesi, e tiene seminari sistematicamente in diverse città del mondo, compresa l'Italia.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Jwing-ming Yang
The DAO in Action: Inspired Tales for Life
The DAO in Action: Inspired Tales for Life
Comprehensive Applications in Shaolin Chin Na: The Practical Defense of Chinese Seizing Arts for All Styles
Comprehensive Applications in Shaolin Chin Na: The Practical Defense of Chinese Seizing Arts for All Styles
Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na: Instructors Manual for All Martial Art Styles
Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na: Instructors Manual for All Martial Art Styles
Taijiquan Theory of Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming: The Root of Taijiquan
Taijiquan Theory of Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming: The Root of Taijiquan
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary
Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary
Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary
Xingyiquan: Theory, Applications, Fighting Tactics and Spirit
Xingyiquan: Theory, Applications, Fighting Tactics and Spirit
Northern Shaolin Sword: Form, Techniques, & Applications
Northern Shaolin Sword: Form, Techniques, & Applications
The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation
The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation
Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Arts Guide
Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Arts Guide
Simple Qigong Exercises for Health: Improve Your Health in 10 to 20 Minutes a Day
Simple Qigong Exercises for Health: Improve Your Health in 10 to 20 Minutes a Day
Pain-free Joints: 46 Simple Qigong Movements for Arthritis Healing and Prevention
Pain-free Joints: 46 Simple Qigong Movements for Arthritis Healing and Prevention
The Pain-free Back: 54 Simple Qigong Movements for Healing and Prevention
The Pain-free Back: 54 Simple Qigong Movements for Healing and Prevention
Meridian Qigong Exercises: Combining Qigong, Yoga, & Acupressure
Meridian Qigong Exercises: Combining Qigong, Yoga, & Acupressure
The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for Health, Longevity, and Enlightenment
The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for Health, Longevity, and Enlightenment
Qigong Meditation Small Circulation: The Foundation of Spiritual Enlightenment
Qigong Meditation Small Circulation: The Foundation of Spiritual Enlightenment
Taijiquan Theory of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: The Root of Taijiquan
Taijiquan Theory of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: The Root of Taijiquan
Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing: The Foundation of Internal Elixir Cultivation
Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing: The Foundation of Internal Elixir Cultivation
Qigong Grand Circulation for Spiritual Enlightenment
Qigong Grand Circulation for Spiritual Enlightenment
Tai Chi Ball Qigong: For Health and Martial Arts
Tai Chi Ball Qigong: For Health and Martial Arts
Tai Chi Chuan Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form Qigong
Tai Chi Chuan Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form Qigong
Tai Chi Chin Na: The Seizing Art of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chin Na: The Seizing Art of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Applications: Advanced Yang Style
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Applications: Advanced Yang Style
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Power: Advanced Yang Style
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Power: Advanced Yang Style
Tai Chi Qigong: The Internal Foundation of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Qigong: The Internal Foundation of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Sword Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form, Qigong, and Applications
Tai Chi Sword Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form, Qigong, and Applications
Tai Chi Push Hands: The Martial Foundation of Tai Chi Chuan
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The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for Health, Longevity, and Enlightenment
The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for Health, Longevity, and Enlightenment
Qigong Secret of Youth: Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Classics
Qigong Secret of Youth: Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Classics
Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing: The Foundation of Internal Elixir Cultivation
Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing: The Foundation of Internal Elixir Cultivation
Qigong Meditation Small Circulation: The Foundation of Spiritual Enlightenment
Qigong Meditation Small Circulation: The Foundation of Spiritual Enlightenment

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