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Davide Reviati

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Biografia Davide Reviati
Davide Reviati
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Davide Reviati è nato a Ravenna nel 1966, da famiglia parmense. Collabora come autore di fumetti o illustratore con le riviste Vaca Fujeton, Kaos, Interzona, Selene, Blue, Periodico, Tratti, Nonzi, Inguine MAH!gazine. Dalla fine degli anni Ottanta illustra diversi libri, tra cui "L'hospidale de' pazzi incurabili" (1990) e "Bestiario dell'impiegatto" (2001). La sua prima opera come autore di fumetti è il minicomic "Ahi Ahi Anselma" (1995), seguita dai libri "Drug Lion. I sogni e le stelle" (Mare Nero 2002) e "a. Un'avventura di Drug Lion" (Centro Fumetto "Andrea Pazienza" 2003), una storia sul conformismo e la libertà d'espressione. Contemporaneamente a fumetti e illustrazioni, si dedica da anni alla pittura. E' uscito per Conino Press il suo ultimo graphic novel "Morti di sonno", da molti indicato come capolavoro, che racconta storie di bambini e adolescenti vissute nel quartiere costruito negli anni cinquanta all'ombra del Petrolchimico di Ravenna, la città dove vive ancora oggi.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Davide Reviati
Scars That Let in the Light: The Formation and Social Role of Wounded Healers
Scars That Let in the Light: The Formation and Social Role of Wounded Healers
From The Inside Out Reviving The Faith: From Prison to Pulpit
From The Inside Out Reviving The Faith: From Prison to Pulpit
NAVIGATING THROUGH THE WILDERNESS: How I Made it through the Deserts of the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea to Europe
NAVIGATING THROUGH THE WILDERNESS: How I Made it through the Deserts of the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea to Europe
Scattered Gems
Scattered Gems
Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense: Issue #8 / Fall 2021
Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense: Issue #8 / Fall 2021
The Heaven-life Or Stimulus For Two Worlds
The Heaven-life Or Stimulus For Two Worlds
Nostros Creemos para Niños Manual Del Maestro: ¿Quién es Dios ?
Nostros Creemos para Niños Manual Del Maestro: ¿Quién es Dios ?
In Him Revealed
In Him Revealed
The Morning Talks for the Times (Classic Reprint)
The Morning Talks for the Times (Classic Reprint)
The Heaven-life Or Stimulus For Two Worlds
The Heaven-life Or Stimulus For Two Worlds
O'croly, R: Inquiry Into the Principal Points of Difference,
O'croly, R: Inquiry Into the Principal Points of Difference,
Creative Musings 2022
Creative Musings 2022
Revelation: What John Knew: 0
Revelation: What John Knew: 0
Nosotros Creemos para Niños Manual Del Estudiante: ¿Quién Es Dios?
Nosotros Creemos para Niños Manual Del Estudiante: ¿Quién Es Dios?
The Holy Spirit Baptism: A Pentecostal Distinctive
The Holy Spirit Baptism: A Pentecostal Distinctive
Hungry, Thirsty and Yearning for God: Learning to Seek God in Prayer
Hungry, Thirsty and Yearning for God: Learning to Seek God in Prayer
Experience the Power of a Transformed Life: A Walk with an Evangelist
Experience the Power of a Transformed Life: A Walk with an Evangelist
God, Life, You and Me: Practical thoughts to encourage the readers to ponder who they truly are in the depths of their souls.: 0
God, Life, You and Me: Practical thoughts to encourage the readers to ponder who they truly are in the depths of their souls.: 0
Out of Sight: An Art Collector, a Discovery, and Andy Warhol
Out of Sight: An Art Collector, a Discovery, and Andy Warhol
God, Life, You and Me: Practical thoughts to encourage the readers to ponder who they truly are in the depths of their souls.: 0
God, Life, You and Me: Practical thoughts to encourage the readers to ponder who they truly are in the depths of their souls.: 0
Ponder Anew: Conversations in 21st Century Church Music
Ponder Anew: Conversations in 21st Century Church Music
Wir schreiben für euch: Liebe: Kurzgeschichten
Wir schreiben für euch: Liebe: Kurzgeschichten

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