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Anil Kumar

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Biografia Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Modifica bioCronologia

Anil Kumar è conosciuto per aver tradotto i discorsi di Sai Baba in inglese.

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Anil Kumar
Eine vergleichende Studie von Acacia arabica und Prosopis julifera: Eine vergleichende Studie: Verschiedene Teile von Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) & Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Eine vergleichende Studie von Acacia arabica und Prosopis julifera: Eine vergleichende Studie: Verschiedene Teile von Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) & Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Estudio comparativo de Acacia arabica y Prosopis julifera: Estudio comparativo : Diferentes partes de Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) y Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Estudio comparativo de Acacia arabica y Prosopis julifera: Estudio comparativo : Diferentes partes de Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) y Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Studio comparativo di Acacia arabica e Prosopis julifera: Uno studio comparativo: Diverse parti di Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) e Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Studio comparativo di Acacia arabica e Prosopis julifera: Uno studio comparativo: Diverse parti di Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) e Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Um estudo comparativo de Acacia arabica e Prosopis julifera: Um estudo comparativo : Diferentes partes de Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) & Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
Um estudo comparativo de Acacia arabica e Prosopis julifera: Um estudo comparativo : Diferentes partes de Acacia arabica (Desi Babool) & Prosopis julifera (Vilayati Babool)
DevOps REVOLUTION Modern Practices for CI/CD Success Enhancing Quality and Efficiency in Software Development
DevOps REVOLUTION Modern Practices for CI/CD Success Enhancing Quality and Efficiency in Software Development
CLOUD COMPUTING UNLEASHED: Navigating the Future of Digital Infrastructure
CLOUD COMPUTING UNLEASHED: Navigating the Future of Digital Infrastructure
Security Issues for Wireless Sensor Networks
Security Issues for Wireless Sensor Networks
Cognitive Radio: Computing Techniques, Network Security and Challenges
Cognitive Radio: Computing Techniques, Network Security and Challenges
Agronomy Algorithm
Agronomy Algorithm
Advanced Materials in Engineering Applications: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials in Engineering Sciences
Advanced Materials in Engineering Applications: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials in Engineering Sciences
Acaricides Resistance in Ticks: A Global Problem
Acaricides Resistance in Ticks: A Global Problem
Maritime Power and China's Grand Strategy
Maritime Power and China's Grand Strategy
Décellularisation du derme de buffle et de la vessie natatoire de poisson
Décellularisation du derme de buffle et de la vessie natatoire de poisson
Descelularización de dermis de búfalo y vejiga natatoria de pez
Descelularización de dermis de búfalo y vejiga natatoria de pez
Dezellularisierung von Büffeldermis und Fischschwimmblase
Dezellularisierung von Büffeldermis und Fischschwimmblase
Additive Manufacturing for Biomedical Applications: Recent Trends and Challenges
Additive Manufacturing for Biomedical Applications: Recent Trends and Challenges
Geoinformatics: An Emerging Approach for Sustainable Crop Production and Food Security
Geoinformatics: An Emerging Approach for Sustainable Crop Production and Food Security
Microstructure Atlas of P91 Steel
Microstructure Atlas of P91 Steel
Analisi delle malattie della pelle Con ADABOOST: Un approccio di apprendimento automatico per migliorare la diagnosi.
Analisi delle malattie della pelle Con ADABOOST: Un approccio di apprendimento automatico per migliorare la diagnosi.
An Observer's Ledger: A Poetry Collection
An Observer's Ledger: A Poetry Collection
Praktische Aspekte von Verbundwerkstoffen mit Abaqus-Software: Befähigung mit praktischen Lernübungen
Praktische Aspekte von Verbundwerkstoffen mit Abaqus-Software: Befähigung mit praktischen Lernübungen
Aspectos prácticos de los materiales compuestos con el software Abaqus: Ejercicios prácticos de aprendizaje
Aspectos prácticos de los materiales compuestos con el software Abaqus: Ejercicios prácticos de aprendizaje
Aspects pratiques des matériaux composites à l'aide du logiciel Abaqus: Des exercices d'apprentissage pratiques pour vous aider
Aspects pratiques des matériaux composites à l'aide du logiciel Abaqus: Des exercices d'apprentissage pratiques pour vous aider
Aspetti pratici dei materiali compositi con il software Abaqus: Esercizi pratici di apprendimento per aiutarvi a raggiungere l'obiettivo
Aspetti pratici dei materiali compositi con il software Abaqus: Esercizi pratici di apprendimento per aiutarvi a raggiungere l'obiettivo
Aspectos práticos dos materiais compósitos utilizando o software Abaqus: Capacitá-lo com exercícios práticos de aprendizagem
Aspectos práticos dos materiais compósitos utilizando o software Abaqus: Capacitá-lo com exercícios práticos de aprendizagem
Cayley Fuzzy Graphs and Cayley Fuzzy Graph Structures
Cayley Fuzzy Graphs and Cayley Fuzzy Graph Structures
Fixed Point Theorems in Cone Metric Spaces
Fixed Point Theorems in Cone Metric Spaces
Advances in Networks, Intelligence and Computing: Proceedings of the International Conference On Networks, Intelligence and Computing (ICONIC 2023)
Advances in Networks, Intelligence and Computing: Proceedings of the International Conference On Networks, Intelligence and Computing (ICONIC 2023)
Starch: Structure, Properties, and Modifications for Food Applications
Starch: Structure, Properties, and Modifications for Food Applications
Realizaciq sistemy obnaruzheniq boleznej list'ew rastenij s pomosch'ü kostej biglq
Realizaciq sistemy obnaruzheniq boleznej list'ew rastenij s pomosch'ü kostej biglq
Skin Disease Analysis with ADABOOST: a Machine Learning Approach for Improved Diagnosis
Skin Disease Analysis with ADABOOST: a Machine Learning Approach for Improved Diagnosis
Reason, Religion and Modernity: Gadamer-habermas Debate
Reason, Religion and Modernity: Gadamer-habermas Debate
Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Systems in India
Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Systems in India
Practical Manual on Fundamentals of Agronomy
Practical Manual on Fundamentals of Agronomy
Studies on the bio-efficacy of post emergence herbicides on Rabi maize
Studies on the bio-efficacy of post emergence herbicides on Rabi maize
Analyse von Hautkrankheiten Mit ADABOOST: Ein Ansatz für maschinelles Lernen zur Verbesserung der Diagnose.
Analyse von Hautkrankheiten Mit ADABOOST: Ein Ansatz für maschinelles Lernen zur Verbesserung der Diagnose.
Technological Pathways for Africa's Net-zero Economy: Technology Solutions to Unlock Africa’s Sustainable Future
Technological Pathways for Africa's Net-zero Economy: Technology Solutions to Unlock Africa’s Sustainable Future
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice Geoleap (1)
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice Geoleap (1)
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice Geoleap (2)
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice Geoleap (2)
Recent Advancements in Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Harnessing Technology for Water Resources, Irrigation and Environmental Management
Recent Advancements in Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Harnessing Technology for Water Resources, Irrigation and Environmental Management
Artificial Intelligence Enabled Management: An Emerging Economy Perspective
Artificial Intelligence Enabled Management: An Emerging Economy Perspective
Africa's Path to Net-Zero: Exploring Scenarios for a Sustainable Energy Transition
Africa's Path to Net-Zero: Exploring Scenarios for a Sustainable Energy Transition
Python for Water and Environment
Python for Water and Environment
Flavonoids as Nutraceuticals
Flavonoids as Nutraceuticals
Computational Intelligence in the Industry 4.0
Computational Intelligence in the Industry 4.0
Rilevamento automatico di EDEMA con processore ARM: Approccio hardware per l'elaborazione delle immagini mediche
Rilevamento automatico di EDEMA con processore ARM: Approccio hardware per l'elaborazione delle immagini mediche
Inclination of Indian Industry towards Industry 4.0: Adoption and implementation of Industry 4.0
Inclination of Indian Industry towards Industry 4.0: Adoption and implementation of Industry 4.0
Approccio di telerilevamento per la valutazione della biomassa e dello stock di carbonio
Approccio di telerilevamento per la valutazione della biomassa e dello stock di carbonio
Abordagem de Detecção Remota para Avaliação da Biomassa e do Estoque de Carbono
Abordagem de Detecção Remota para Avaliação da Biomassa e do Estoque de Carbono
Advanced Network Simulations Simplified: Practical guide for wired, Wi-Fi (802.11n/ac/ax), and LTE networks using ns-3
Advanced Network Simulations Simplified: Practical guide for wired, Wi-Fi (802.11n/ac/ax), and LTE networks using ns-3
Automatic Detection of Accretion for Glaucoma Eye: Glimpse on Glaucoma detection
Automatic Detection of Accretion for Glaucoma Eye: Glimpse on Glaucoma detection
Fuzzy Machine Learning Algorithms for Remote Sensing Image Classification
Fuzzy Machine Learning Algorithms for Remote Sensing Image Classification
Urban Governance and Local Democracy in South India
Urban Governance and Local Democracy in South India
Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research: Select Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, ICRABR 2022
Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research: Select Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, ICRABR 2022
Higher Mathematics for Science and Engineering
Higher Mathematics for Science and Engineering
Analisador de baixo custo e de potência compacta
Analisador de baixo custo e de potência compacta
Ein Lehrbuch über Kharif-Kulturen
Ein Lehrbuch über Kharif-Kulturen
Libro de texto sobre cultivos de secano
Libro de texto sobre cultivos de secano
Un manuel sur les cultures kharif
Un manuel sur les cultures kharif
Disaster Risk and Management Under Climate Change
Disaster Risk and Management Under Climate Change
River, Sediment and Hydrological Extremes: Causes, Impacts and Management
River, Sediment and Hydrological Extremes: Causes, Impacts and Management
Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing: Technology and Applications
Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing: Technology and Applications
Enfoque de teledetección para la evaluación de la biomasa y las reservas de carbono
Enfoque de teledetección para la evaluación de la biomasa y las reservas de carbono
Approche de télédétection pour l'évaluation de la biomasse et du stock de carbone
Approche de télédétection pour l'évaluation de la biomasse et du stock de carbone
Extremes in Atmospheric Processes and Phenomenon: Assessment, Impacts and Mitigation
Extremes in Atmospheric Processes and Phenomenon: Assessment, Impacts and Mitigation
Green Gasoline: A Green Spark Transportation Fuel: Volume 77
Green Gasoline: A Green Spark Transportation Fuel: Volume 77
Intelligent Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems
Intelligent Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems
Comparative Study of Aeroyoga With Other Fitness Regimes: Exploring the Benefits and Differences of an Innovative Exercise Method
Comparative Study of Aeroyoga With Other Fitness Regimes: Exploring the Benefits and Differences of an Innovative Exercise Method
Millet Rhizosphere
Millet Rhizosphere
Materiali di nuova generazione per applicazioni con supercondensatori: Materiali di accumulo di nuova generazione
Materiali di nuova generazione per applicazioni con supercondensatori: Materiali di accumulo di nuova generazione
Materiais de nova geração para aplicações de supercapacitores: Materiais de armazenamento da Nova Geração
Materiais de nova geração para aplicações de supercapacitores: Materiais de armazenamento da Nova Geração
Kostengünstiger und kompakter Power Analyzer
Kostengünstiger und kompakter Power Analyzer
Analyseur de puissance compact et à faible coût
Analyseur de puissance compact et à faible coût
Analizador de potencia compacto y de bajo coste
Analizador de potencia compacto y de bajo coste
Analizzatore di potenza compatto e a basso costo
Analizzatore di potenza compatto e a basso costo
Un libro di testo sulle colture Kharif
Un libro di testo sulle colture Kharif
Um Livro de Texto sobre as Culturas de Kharif
Um Livro de Texto sobre as Culturas de Kharif
Grundlagen der pharmazeutischen Analyse
Grundlagen der pharmazeutischen Analyse
Fundamentos del análisis farmacéutico
Fundamentos del análisis farmacéutico
Fondements de l'analyse pharmaceutique
Fondements de l'analyse pharmaceutique
Fondamenti di analisi farmaceutica
Fondamenti di analisi farmaceutica
Plant Secondary Metabolites: Physico-chemical Properties and Therapeutic Applications
Plant Secondary Metabolites: Physico-chemical Properties and Therapeutic Applications
Functioning and Effectiveness of JKCs
Functioning and Effectiveness of JKCs
Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Systems in India
Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Systems in India
Fernerkundungsansatz zur Bewertung von Biomasse und Kohlenstoffbestand
Fernerkundungsansatz zur Bewertung von Biomasse und Kohlenstoffbestand
Trockenlandwirtschaft und moderne Konzepte der pflanzlichen Erzeugung
Trockenlandwirtschaft und moderne Konzepte der pflanzlichen Erzeugung
Grundkonzept der Heilpädagogischen Biologie
Grundkonzept der Heilpädagogischen Biologie
Concepto básico de Biología Remedial
Concepto básico de Biología Remedial
Concetto di base della biologia correttiva
Concetto di base della biologia correttiva
Agriculture en zone aride et concepts modernes de la production végétale
Agriculture en zone aride et concepts modernes de la production végétale
Agricultura de secano y conceptos modernos de producción vegetal
Agricultura de secano y conceptos modernos de producción vegetal
L'agricoltura in terraferma e i moderni concetti di produzione vegetale
L'agricoltura in terraferma e i moderni concetti di produzione vegetale
Agricultura de terras secas e conceitos modernos na produção de culturas
Agricultura de terras secas e conceitos modernos na produção de culturas
Animal Cell Culture: Principles and Practice
Animal Cell Culture: Principles and Practice
Staudenkürbis auf einen Blick
Staudenkürbis auf einen Blick
La gourde vivace en un coup d'Å“il
La gourde vivace en un coup d'Å“il
Cabaça perene num relance
Cabaça perene num relance
La calabaza perenne de un vistazo
La calabaza perenne de un vistazo
La zucca perenne in sintesi
La zucca perenne in sintesi
Conceito Básico de Biologia Remedial
Conceito Básico de Biologia Remedial
Marktpotenzial und Verbrauchernachfrage nach Mikronährstoffen und löslichem NPK
Marktpotenzial und Verbrauchernachfrage nach Mikronährstoffen und löslichem NPK
Potencial de mercado y demanda de micronutrientes y NPK solubles
Potencial de mercado y demanda de micronutrientes y NPK solubles
Potentiel du marché et demande des consommateurs en matière de micro-nutriments et de NPK soluble
Potentiel du marché et demande des consommateurs en matière de micro-nutriments et de NPK soluble
Potenziale di mercato e domanda dei consumatori di microelementi e NPK solubile
Potenziale di mercato e domanda dei consumatori di microelementi e NPK solubile
Potencial de Mercado & Procura de Micro Nutrientes & NPK Solúvel
Potencial de Mercado & Procura de Micro Nutrientes & NPK Solúvel
Life and Values: M y a u t o b i o g r a p h y: M y a u t o b i o g r a p h y
Life and Values: M y a u t o b i o g r a p h y: M y a u t o b i o g r a p h y
Materialien der neuen Generation für Super-kondensatoranwendungen: Neue Generation von Speichermaterialien
Materialien der neuen Generation für Super-kondensatoranwendungen: Neue Generation von Speichermaterialien
Matériaux de nouvelle génération pour les applications de supercondensateurs: Matériaux de stockage de nouvelle génération
Matériaux de nouvelle génération pour les applications de supercondensateurs: Matériaux de stockage de nouvelle génération
Nueva generación de materiales para supercondensadores: Materiales de almacenamiento de nueva generación
Nueva generación de materiales para supercondensadores: Materiales de almacenamiento de nueva generación
Microstructure Atlas of P22 Steel
Microstructure Atlas of P22 Steel
Système de réfrigération et réfrigérants alternatifs
Système de réfrigération et réfrigérants alternatifs
Sistema de Refrigeração e Refrigerantes Alternativos
Sistema de Refrigeração e Refrigerantes Alternativos
Impact of Solar Derivers on Geomagnetic Field
Impact of Solar Derivers on Geomagnetic Field
Blockchain Technology for IoT and Wireless Communications
Blockchain Technology for IoT and Wireless Communications
Sustainable Marine Food and Feed Production Technologies
Sustainable Marine Food and Feed Production Technologies
Pandemics and Innovative Food Systems
Pandemics and Innovative Food Systems
Multi-Sensor and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing: Specific Single Class Mapping
Multi-Sensor and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing: Specific Single Class Mapping
Global Climate Change and Plant Stress Management
Global Climate Change and Plant Stress Management
Transition-Metal-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization of Heterocycles
Transition-Metal-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization of Heterocycles
Recent Advances in Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering: Select Proceedings of RAMMTE 2022
Recent Advances in Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering: Select Proceedings of RAMMTE 2022
Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Systems in India
Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Systems in India
High-Entropy Alloys: Processing, Alloying Element, Microstructure and Properties
High-Entropy Alloys: Processing, Alloying Element, Microstructure and Properties
Biopolymer-Based Films and Coatings: Trends and Challenges
Biopolymer-Based Films and Coatings: Trends and Challenges
Animal Cell Culture: Principles and Practice
Animal Cell Culture: Principles and Practice
Nanotechnological Aspects for Next-Generation Wound Management
Nanotechnological Aspects for Next-Generation Wound Management
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems: Principles and Applications
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Physical Systems: Principles and Applications
Advances of Novel Formulations in Drug Delivery
Advances of Novel Formulations in Drug Delivery
Pigmented Cereals and Millets: Bioactive Profile and Food Applications: 38
Pigmented Cereals and Millets: Bioactive Profile and Food Applications: 38
Cognitive Computing Models in Communication Systems
Cognitive Computing Models in Communication Systems
Non-thermal Food Engineering Operations
Non-thermal Food Engineering Operations
Fermented Milk and Dairy Products
Fermented Milk and Dairy Products

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