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Andrew Matthews

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I Libri di Andrew Matthews

Andrew Matthews
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2030
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Imagining Jesus in the Universal or Particular: Cross-cultural Bible Film Reception of the Lumo Project: the Gospel of Mark and Son of Man
Imagining Jesus in the Universal or Particular: Cross-cultural Bible Film Reception of the Lumo Project: the Gospel of Mark and Son of Man
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2025
compra Imagining Jesus in the Universal or Particular: Cross-cultural Bible Film Reception of the Lumo Project: the Gospel of Mark and Son of Man Ordina il libro su Amazon
Scrivi una recensione a Imagining Jesus in the Universal or Particular: Cross-cultural Bible Film Reception of the Lumo Project: the Gospel of Mark and Son of ManScrivi una recensione a Imagining Jesus in the Universal or Particular: Cross-cultural Bible Film Reception of the Lumo Project: the Gospel of Mark and Son of Man
Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary PerspectivesScrivi una recensione a Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration: Interpreting Vision
Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration: Interpreting Vision
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration: Interpreting VisionScrivi una recensione a Patristic Perspectives on Luke’s Transfiguration: Interpreting Vision
A Cultural History of Comedy in the Age of Empire
A Cultural History of Comedy in the Age of Empire
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a A Cultural History of Comedy in the Age of EmpireScrivi una recensione a A Cultural History of Comedy in the Age of Empire
Constructions of Gender in Religious Traditions of Late Antiquity
Constructions of Gender in Religious Traditions of Late Antiquity
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a Constructions of Gender in Religious Traditions of Late AntiquityScrivi una recensione a Constructions of Gender in Religious Traditions of Late Antiquity
Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Canon
Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Canon
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
compra Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Canon Ordina il libro su Amazon
Scrivi una recensione a Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and CanonScrivi una recensione a Fanfiction and Early Christian Writings: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Canon
Consequences of COVID-19: A One Health Approach to the Responses, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Consequences of COVID-19: A One Health Approach to the Responses, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a Consequences of COVID-19: A One Health Approach to the Responses, Challenges, and Lessons LearnedScrivi una recensione a Consequences of COVID-19: A One Health Approach to the Responses, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian Socialism: The Miner's Prophet
Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian Socialism: The Miner's Prophet
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian Socialism: The Miner's ProphetScrivi una recensione a Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian Socialism: The Miner's Prophet
How to Think about Religious Schools: Principles and Policies
How to Think about Religious Schools: Principles and Policies
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a How to Think about Religious Schools: Principles and PoliciesScrivi una recensione a How to Think about Religious Schools: Principles and Policies
A-Z of Plastic Surgery
A-Z of Plastic Surgery
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a A-Z of Plastic SurgeryScrivi una recensione a A-Z of Plastic Surgery
The Oxford Handbook of Deification
The Oxford Handbook of Deification
Andrew Matthews
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
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Scrivi una recensione a The Oxford Handbook of DeificationScrivi una recensione a The Oxford Handbook of Deification
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