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John Dewey

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
John Dewey
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics: in large print
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics: in large print
The Human Understanding
The Human Understanding
Jak myślimy?
Jak myślimy?
Reconstruction in Philosophy
Reconstruction in Philosophy
Qualitative Thought / Qualitatives Denken: Englisch/Deutsch. [Great Papers Philosophie]: 14378
Qualitative Thought / Qualitatives Denken: Englisch/Deutsch. [Great Papers Philosophie]: 14378
Human Nature and Conduct - An introduction to social psychology
Human Nature and Conduct - An introduction to social psychology
Art and Education
Art and Education
Contributions To Education, Volumes 1-3
Contributions To Education, Volumes 1-3
The New Testament Occultism, Or, Miracle Working Power Interpreted As The Basis Of An Occult And Mystic Science
The New Testament Occultism, Or, Miracle Working Power Interpreted As The Basis Of An Occult And Mystic Science
Sons Of God And Brothers Of Christ
Sons Of God And Brothers Of Christ
The Dawning Day
The Dawning Day
Educational Essays
Educational Essays
The Way, the Truth and the Life: A Hand Book of Christian Theosophy, Healing, and Psychic Culture, a New Education, Based On the Ideal and Method of the Christ
The Way, the Truth and the Life: A Hand Book of Christian Theosophy, Healing, and Psychic Culture, a New Education, Based On the Ideal and Method of the Christ
The Open Door, Or, the Secret of Jesus: A Key to Spiritual Emancipation, Illumination and Mastery
The Open Door, Or, the Secret of Jesus: A Key to Spiritual Emancipation, Illumination and Mastery
The Sources Of A Science Of Education
The Sources Of A Science Of Education
Psychology and Social Practice
Psychology and Social Practice
Human Nature and Conduct
Human Nature and Conduct
Democracy And Education
Democracy And Education
Reconstruction in Philosophy
Reconstruction in Philosophy
The Pathway of the Spirit: A guide to inspiration, illumination, and divine realization on earth
The Pathway of the Spirit: A guide to inspiration, illumination, and divine realization on earth
Moral Principles in Education
Moral Principles in Education
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics: in large print
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics: in large print
My pedagogic creed. Il manifesto pedagogico per una scelta di vita democratica
My pedagogic creed. Il manifesto pedagogico per una scelta di vita democratica
Il pubblico e i suoi problemi. Un saggio d'indagine
Il pubblico e i suoi problemi. Un saggio d'indagine
Democracy and Education
Democracy and Education
Reconstruction in Philosophy
Reconstruction in Philosophy
Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding: A Critical Exposition
Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding: A Critical Exposition
Letters from China and Japan
Letters from China and Japan
Okul ve Toplum
Okul ve Toplum
How We Think: Atkinson Hyperlegible Font and Large Print Edition
How We Think: Atkinson Hyperlegible Font and Large Print Edition
Moralische Grundsätze in der Erziehung: und das Kind und der Lehrplan: 68
Moralische Grundsätze in der Erziehung: und das Kind und der Lehrplan: 68
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics
The Open Door: or, The secret of Jesus - a key to spiritual emancipation, illumination, and mastery
The Open Door: or, The secret of Jesus - a key to spiritual emancipation, illumination, and mastery
How We Think: An Essay by the American Educational Philosopher John Dewey
How We Think: An Essay by the American Educational Philosopher John Dewey
Nature humaine et conduite: Introduction à la psychologie sociale
Nature humaine et conduite: Introduction à la psychologie sociale
Die Öffentlichkeit und ihre Probleme: 2416
Die Öffentlichkeit und ihre Probleme: 2416
The Child and the Curriculum
The Child and the Curriculum
The Significance Of The Problem Of Knowledge
The Significance Of The Problem Of Knowledge
Human Nature And Conduct; An Introduction To Social Psychology
Human Nature And Conduct; An Introduction To Social Psychology
Leibniz'S New Essays Concerning The Human Understanding. A Critical Exposition
Leibniz'S New Essays Concerning The Human Understanding. A Critical Exposition
Reconstruction in Philosophy
Reconstruction in Philosophy
How We Think & Education And Experience
How We Think & Education And Experience
Individualism Old and New & Liberalism and Social Action & A Common Faith
Individualism Old and New & Liberalism and Social Action & A Common Faith
Democracy and Education & Freedom and Culture
Democracy and Education & Freedom and Culture
The Geology of the Country Around Padstow and Camelford
The Geology of the Country Around Padstow and Camelford
Psychology and Social Practice
Psychology and Social Practice
Psicología del pensamiento
Psicología del pensamiento
Ethics (Classic Reprint)
Ethics (Classic Reprint)
Hygroscopicity of Mineral Soil Particles as Affected by Size of Particle and Adsorbed Cations (Classic Reprint)
Hygroscopicity of Mineral Soil Particles as Affected by Size of Particle and Adsorbed Cations (Classic Reprint)
Interest and Effort in Education (Classic Reprint)
Interest and Effort in Education (Classic Reprint)
Dewey, J: Dawning Day (Classic Reprint)
Dewey, J: Dawning Day (Classic Reprint)
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics (Classic Reprint)
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics (Classic Reprint)
Human Nature And Conduct
Human Nature And Conduct
The School and Society
The School and Society
Chance, Love, and Logic; Philosophical Essays
Chance, Love, and Logic; Philosophical Essays
Studies in Logical Theory
Studies in Logical Theory
German Philosophy and Politics
German Philosophy and Politics
The Quest For CertaintyA Study Of The Relation Of Knowledge And Action
The Quest For CertaintyA Study Of The Relation Of Knowledge And Action
The Relation of Theory to Practice in the Education of Teachers Volume; Series 1
The Relation of Theory to Practice in the Education of Teachers Volume; Series 1
The Educational Situation
The Educational Situation
Essays in Experimental Logic
Essays in Experimental Logic
The Elementary School Record; Volume 1
The Elementary School Record; Volume 1
Dewey, J: Psychology (Classic Reprint)
Dewey, J: Psychology (Classic Reprint)
Le dépassement de l'"art"
Le dépassement de l'
Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy
Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy
Human Nature And Conduct
Human Nature And Conduct
Moral Principles in education
Moral Principles in education
Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding
Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding
The Child and the Curriculum
The Child and the Curriculum
The School and Society
The School and Society
How We Think
How We Think
Scoala Si Societatea
Scoala Si Societatea
Textes clés de philosophie du travail: Activité, technicité, normativité
Textes clés de philosophie du travail: Activité, technicité, normativité
Construction and Criticism
Construction and Criticism
German philosophy and politics
German philosophy and politics
Lógica: La teoría de la investigación (1938): 173
Lógica: La teoría de la investigación (1938): 173
Philosophie De La Culture
Philosophie De La Culture
Democracy and Education (Esprios Classics)
Democracy and Education (Esprios Classics)

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