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Christopher Hill

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Recensione Christopher Hill

Christopher Hill

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Ultimi libri pubblicati di
Christopher Hill
Playing at War: Identity and Memory in Civil War Video Games
Playing at War: Identity and Memory in Civil War Video Games
A Nation of Change and Novelty: Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England
A Nation of Change and Novelty: Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England
Quantum Physics for Poets
Quantum Physics for Poets
Beyond the God Particle
Beyond the God Particle
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
The Century of Revolution 1603-1704
The Century of Revolution 1603-1704
Technology Enhanced Learning in the Middle East: Teachers’ Perspectives
Technology Enhanced Learning in the Middle East: Teachers’ Perspectives
Aprendizaje potenciado por la tecnología en Oriente Medio: Perspectivas de los profesores
Aprendizaje potenciado por la tecnología en Oriente Medio: Perspectivas de los profesores
L'apprentissage assisté par la technologie au Moyen-Orient: Le point de vue des enseignants
L'apprentissage assisté par la technologie au Moyen-Orient: Le point de vue des enseignants
Apprendimento potenziato dalla tecnologia in Medio Oriente: Il punto di vista degli insegnanti
Apprendimento potenziato dalla tecnologia in Medio Oriente: Il punto di vista degli insegnanti
Aprendizagem com recurso à tecnologia no Médio Oriente: Perspectivas dos professores
Aprendizagem com recurso à tecnologia no Médio Oriente: Perspectivas dos professores
The Evolution of Transnational Education: Pathways, Globalisation and Emerging Trends
The Evolution of Transnational Education: Pathways, Globalisation and Emerging Trends
A Nation of Change and Novelty: Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England
A Nation of Change and Novelty: Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England
Il mondo alla rovescia
Il mondo alla rovescia
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
Supporting and Learning from Academics: EMI Toolkit
International Relations and the European Union
International Relations and the European Union
Cloud Attack Vectors: Building Effective Cyber-defense Strategies to Protect Cloud Resources
Cloud Attack Vectors: Building Effective Cyber-defense Strategies to Protect Cloud Resources
Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness
Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness
La revolución rusa
La revolución rusa
Medieval English and Dutch Literatures: the European Context: Essays in Honour of David F. Johnson
Medieval English and Dutch Literatures: the European Context: Essays in Honour of David F. Johnson
Perceptual Experience
Perceptual Experience
The Funeral Achievements of Henry V at Westminster Abbey: The Arms and Armour of Death
The Funeral Achievements of Henry V at Westminster Abbey: The Arms and Armour of Death
Regulation, Market Prices, And Process Innovation: The Case Of The Ammonia Industry
Regulation, Market Prices, And Process Innovation: The Case Of The Ammonia Industry
A Practical Guide to Family Proceedings: Blomfield and Brooks
A Practical Guide to Family Proceedings: Blomfield and Brooks
Why Your Business Must Have Cybersecurity Risk Assessments: Learn the Reasons WHY From 14 Cybersecurity Experts
Why Your Business Must Have Cybersecurity Risk Assessments: Learn the Reasons WHY From 14 Cybersecurity Experts
A Practical Guide to Family Proceedings: Blomfield and Brooks
A Practical Guide to Family Proceedings: Blomfield and Brooks
Power System Assets: Investment, Management, Methods and Practices
Power System Assets: Investment, Management, Methods and Practices
The Evolution of Transnational Education: Pathways, Globalisation and Emerging Trends
The Evolution of Transnational Education: Pathways, Globalisation and Emerging Trends

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