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ENTRE-PRENEUR-SHIP: 10 inspiring journeys into business from across the globe

Are you an entrepreneur or want to be one?The journey to entrepreneurship is unfortunately lonely and unguided. We have a lot of ups and downs, and if you succeed after many-many years of hard work you are called an overnight success. But we all know that this is not true!How do we make this journey easier is a question all the authors used to ask each other and this book is an answer to that common question.What advice would we have given to our younger selves to achieve success when we were starting our business ventures to help us learn them without having painful experiences.This book is a compilation of inspiring journeys of 10 entrepreneurs from different parts of the world spanning 4 continents across North America, Asia, Europe and South America.The book is a result of more than 100+ years of experiences of the authors as business owners who have been running 15+ companies and helping more than 10000+ entrepreneurs every day, every week, every year and helping them to grow their businesses.Welcome to your GATEWAY to the ENTREPRENURSHIP WORLD!
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