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Creative Tourism: Activating Cultural Resources and Engaging Creative Travellers

This book provides a synthesis of current research and international best practice in the emerging field of creative tourism. Including perspectives and reflections from practitioners and a range of case study examples, it covers types of creative tourist trends, designing and implementing creative tourism products, embedding activities in a community and place, and addressing sustainability challenges. Applying lessons learned from the CREATOUR project, the editors present key information in an actionable manner best suited to people working on the ground. The book:
  • Addresses important issues such as local economic benefit, social and collaborative economy, community engagement, social inclusion, youth empowerment, cross-cultural exchange, and responsible travel.

  • Provides a core, introductory text plus supplementary cases showing creative tourism in practice for each chapter.

  • Includes color photos, sketches, boxes, and call-out quotations throughout to help guide and engage readers.
A vital resource for tourism agencies, practitioners, planners and policy makers interested in developing creative tourism programs and activities, this book will also be of interest to cultural and creative tourism researchers, students, and teachers of tourism.
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