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Linear Audio Vol 10: Volume 10

Linear Audio Vol 10 is the 11th issue of a series of printed bookzines dedicated to technical audio and perception. Editorial Your Editor muses why, despite the technical shortcomings, many seem to re-discover The pleasure of playing vinyl; while AudioXpress’s Joao Martins notes We're Just Starting with Digital .. and its challenges for high-end audio. Tutorials Hannes Allmaier explains all about The Ins and Outs of turntable dynamics - and how they mess up your vinyl playback. Hans Polak builds on earlier work by Muncy and Whitlock in Pin 1 revisited, adding OEO to an accepted rule. Not satisfied with designing some of the best analog phono pres in the world, Scott Wurcer applied himself to Record replay RIAA correction in the digital domain, complementing his article with extensive online support. Circuit design Jacques Exbrayat has single transistor handling the audio, relegating voltage and current settings to the periphery and ended up with A minimal structure high-performance / voltage follower / Amplifier. Mark Johnson extensively researched transformer and rectifier ringing and found that Soft Recovery Diodes Lower Transformer Ringing by 10-20X. Merlin Blencowe got to the bottom of Partition Noise and the ‘BestPentode’ Revisited. After a series of Experiments in Low Voltage Tube Audio Amplifier Circuits, Ronald Quan came up with high performance tube circuits running off 45 V ‘high voltage’. Loudspeaker design Tomasz Nowak won the AES Student Design Competition, Graduate category, with his Tapped horn subwoofer system. Perception Mike Uwins researched another angle of the Analogue Hearts, Digital Minds dichotomy and found there’s more to vinyl than meets the ear. The Way I see it… Stan Curtis reviews power supply issues and finds that Sometimes power does not corrupt… - Book reviews Gary Galo reviewed a pair of cultural sociologists’ take on Vinyl – The Analog Record in a Digital Age and at times found the going rough; Morgan Jones reviewed Grounding and Shielding, Circuits and Interference finding it a mixed bag. Enjoy another issue packed with creative, innovative and thought-provoking articles! Jan Didden Publisher/Managing Editor
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