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The Management of AIDS Patients

The exponential increase in the number of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) cases has exposed the difficulty in getting clear information that exists among the public and health professionals about the correct procedures for the management of patients with AIDS and AIDS-related conditions. St Mary's Hospital is the foremost centre in Britain for research and management of AIDS, and this book draws on the experiences of the hospital staff in all areas, in dealing with AIDS patients. The book gives advice on the relative degrees of risk of infection from the virus which health professionals will face in personal contact, and the appropriate precautions required to minimise their personal risk. Diagnostic procedures are also indicated, as well as guidance on counselling, and the advice it is appropriate to give to those most at risk in the community about reducing their likelihood of contracting the virus. The Management of AIDS Patients provides essential management information for all professional groups likely to be involved with AIDS patients.
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